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Inside the Minds of BTS: MBTI Analysis Part One

Credits: BigHit Entertainment, and NAVER x Dispatch HD

If you don’t know what MBTI means, I will give an overview to help give a better understanding. MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and dates back to Swiss analytical psychologist Carl Jung (if you study psychology this name should ring one too many bells). He focused on human behavior and human preferences that shape their personalities. Later on, two women by the names of Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs-Myers took Jung’s research and eventually created the MBTI to encourage people to gain a better understanding of themselves and one another.

The MBTI test is very popular among workplaces as it can be used to solve problems. As a result, many employers may have their employees take this test. Others in more recent years have come to use the test for their own reasons. The test is composed of a series of questions that in the end give you a four letter code, which represents the personality type, out of 16, that you likely are. Each letter represents your preference for making decisions and interpreting information. There are four groups of traits, each of which are comprised of two contrasting functions, making up eight functions in total. Here is a basic sweep over each one.

Extroversion vs. Introversion

This one is pretty easy to figure out on your own, as both concepts are often used in day-to-day conversation. Does being around people energize you? Are you often the one talking in a conversation? Do you prefer working with people than working alone? You’re likely an Extrovert, although there are extents to how strongly one ranks on the scale. Being an Introvert is the opposite: you gain energy when you are alone, often think long before you speak, and have a better time working alone. Neither one means that you dislike being alone (Extroverts) or dislike people (Introverts), it is simply that you gain and exert your energy in different ways.

Sensing vs. iNtuition

This section focuses on how we take in information from the world around us. Do you focus on the task at hand and would rather just do something than think about doing it? Do jobs that yield tangible rewards interest you more than something that may not deliver any results at all? Do you like giving and getting specific answers to question? If so you’re likely a Sensor. But don’t read too much into the word itself, it doesn’t have all too much to do with the five senses.

Do you sometimes have your head in the clouds, thinking about the many possibilities? Do you like philosophy, the abstract, and pondering about hypothetical situations? If these statements are true, you likely prefer to use iNtuition to gather information. However, just like with Extroversion and Introversion, everyone has bits of both, but prefer to use one more than the other.

Thinking vs. Feeling 

This one’s pretty basic and focuses on how you make decisions. When making a decision, do you focus on the objective facts and what is fair? Are you generally a logical person who is task-oriented? If so, you’re likely a Thinker. On the flip side, Feelers put people before objective facts, rather keeping in mind of others feel before making a decision. They can sometimes be too indirect, afraid to hurt people in order to tell the truth.

Judging vs. Perceiving 

Lastly we have Judging and Perceiving which determines which of the last two functions (S/N, T/F) you like to extrovert and which you like to introvert. Yes, every person has an Introverted and Extroverted function.

Judgers use their decision making function (either Thinking or Feeling) in their outer life (Extroversion). Typically, but not always, Judgers like to plan before putting things into action. They do not like spontaneous occurrences so much has they like to be prepared for what they are going to do. This also means that their Sensing/Intuition is their Introverted function.

Perceivers use their information gathering function (Sensing/Intuition) in the outer world. Typically Perceivers appear to be more open and spontaneous, quick to change plans. They may have a hard time making decisions.

What are BTS? 

Clearly, after all this information, which is just the tip of the iceberg, it is very hard to determine what type you are let alone a stranger’s. However, to make my life easier, BTS took the MBTI test for their 2017 Festa activities. Below I’ll briefly go over each type, if I think it’s accurate, and what types get along well with others.

The Analysts (NT)


Kim Seokjin

Starting with the eldest, Kim Seokjin tested as an INTP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving). Him being an Introvert means that his dominant (preferred) function is Introverted Thinking (Ti), (because he is a Perceiver, and Perceiver’s extrovert their S/N). He falls under the group of Analysts, or NTs (along with INTJ, ENTJ, ENTP).

He focuses his world internally as an Introvert, and deals with problems and decisions logically. Because of his iNtuition, he is open to the world’s many possibilities, and loves to delve deep into analyzing new things, making him creative and inventive. INTP’s don’t like to lead people and while flexible are generally very self-confident in themselves and their knowledge (hmm… king of self-confidence? Sounds about right). Being a Thinker, Jin cares more about logic and objective truth than the feelings of others (but that doesn’t make him heartless, he still has the Feeling function, it’s just his least developed one). This makes him great at making the hard decision if it needs to be done. They are known to be quite laid back and value close relationships (quality over quantity). When under stress, INTPs tend to withdraw from the situation and prefer to intellectually debate through conflict.

Who is Jin most compatible with? Keep in mind that anyone can get along with anyone, even someone’s complete opposite. Within each type comes many variations and differences, the MBTI merely scratches the surface of a person’s personality. However, that being said there are some types that may have an easier time vibing with an INTP. Those would be other fellow NT types, ESTJs, and ENFJs.

Further Reading on INTP:

The Sentinels (SJ)


Jung Hoseok 

Is it any surprise that Jung Hoseok (j-hope) is an Extrovert? Not only that, but ESFJ’s are literally known to be rays of sunshine; if you had any doubts about MBTI before, this should squash that. As an ESFJ, Hobi is part of the Sentinel group—the SJs. His dominant function is Fe (Extraverted Feeling) with Si (Introverted Sensing) being his secondary function

ESFJ’s love people; they love being around people, helping people, making people happy—that’s basically their goal in life, to make others happy (the man’s rap name literally has the word “hope” in it, come on). As a Sensor, theories and abstract ideas won’t appeal to j-hope in the same way as social gatherings, fashion, and the here and now do. ESFJ’s tend to have a strong set of traditional morals and will base their rules and values around such traditions. This makes sense when seeing how important j-hope’s parents are to him, as he often brings them up in his music—tradition is inherently important to him. ESFJs are known to be outgoing and popular, which is no surprise since they love to help others. They also love harmony and will do their best to solve conflict.

Almost all of j-hope’s music showcases that bright, positive energy that ESFJs tend to possess and spread. His song “P.O.P (Piece Of Peace) pt.1” could basically be the theme song for ESFJs.

j-hope would be most compatible with other SJs, ISFPs, and INFPs. Really, it will depend on whoever can keep up with his non-stop infectious energy!

Click here to read Part Two of BTS’s MBTI Analysis!