The Kraze

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New Year, New You

A new year is upon us, which means it’s time for a new start after a potentially difficult year. If you’re like me, you’re looking forward to a year of positive progression, and the best foundation for that is a good playlist to pump you up!

“21세기 소녀” - BTS

In come the kings of self empowerment! “21세기 소녀” is a quintessential pump-up song, with a reminder from the boys of BTS that you are the best as you are, no matter what anyone else says. With messages of being strong as you are and not needing to change despite what anyone else says, this track builds a foundation of self confidence that is seriously lacking in today’s society. If you’re ever feeling down about yourself, turn up this track to max volume and remember that you deserve to be loved just as you are!

“Not That Type” - gugudan

A good girl crush concept is always great for self-esteem. In “Not That Type,” gugudan expresses confidence in their honest and straightforward personalities, showing strength as opposed to passivity. There is a stereotype that women are to be cute and timid to be ideal, but “Not That Type” smashes that stereotype by hyping up women who are strong and firm in what they want. That unabashed lack of fear of being yourself is a concept we all need to get instilled in us to become a better version of ourselves, and gugudan is here to remind you just that.

“Simon Says” - NCT 127

Despite some out of place and somewhat nonsensical lyrics, NCT 127’s “Simon Says” still relays a very strong message on the importance of individuality and taking action. In this case, the phrase “Simon Says” references the game of the same name, as a metaphor of a higher force controlling each individual like a puppet with their directions. The song speaks of breaking free from those expectations to forge your own path and stay true to your own heart. After all, what better path to happiness is there than discovering your true ambitions and working toward them, despite what others may say?

“Shoot Out” - MONSTA X

It’s easy to dream of change, but it takes a lot more courage to work toward changing yourself in a way you’ve always wanted to. MONSTA X is here to remind you with heavy beats and grating lyrics the importance of taking that action for yourself, no matter the price. The fiery determination that is felt all through the melody is what is needed to keep driving forward through difficulties—say mental health issues, for instance. While the song may focus on a fading relationship, it’s also possible to reinterpret the lyrics as necessary to help build the confidence to take necessary steps to move forward.