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WEi “Spray” Their Way in New Single

WEi makes a strong comeback in “Spray,” the title track of their fifth mini-album Love Pt.2 : Passion, which was released on October 19, 2022. Their new album is a continuation of Love Pt.1 : First Love. “Spray” was written, composed, and arranged by OUOW and Jang Daehyun, and their new album contains six songs by a mix of talented producers to give each song a different concept that explains WEi’s feelings of love.

When listening to the song originally, there’s a sense of anger and urgency. What are WEi running from? What are they so afraid of? Upon listening further, the state of not knowing where to look and the ever-changing tones convey the different stages of love. You may start with a small crush that you don’t want to admit, but once you pass this stage, you become shy and only able to confess to a friend. But once those feelings develop, a blanket of lust covers you and all you can do is “Spray” your emotions.

The music video shows the determination and strategy of making someone fall for them. It’s not a natural process that can be achieved so easily; it’s something that takes careful planning. There’s a scene where spray-painted words also show the different stages of love, such as “survive.” Is this the heartbreak of a recent breakup and they’re trying to move on? “Destiny.” Is this an obsessive phase of a relationship? However, later in the video, the members use spray bottles as dynamite as they metaphorically unlock the vault that leads to their heart.

You might not expect this pop and hip-hop track to turn sexy unless you understand the lyrics. The lyrics insinuate that something once unreachable could become touched through a confession. Though, it seems the glass board from the music video won’t be the only thing sprayed as WEi are certainly not afraid to “Spray” another type of wall.

Think you can take it? Watch “Spray” below:

Edited by Omani