The Kraze

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[Exclusive Interview] Ready to Become the Tenth Member of BLANK2Y?

Spring 2022 blessed us with many great and exciting debuts, with BLANK2Y being one of the most highly anticipated among new boy groups. Keystone Entertainment’s all-round team with no fixed positions and a rotating leader system gained a worldwide fandom, became ambassadors for COEX’s BLOSSOM THE HOPE 2022 festival and honorary ambassadors for Jeju Tourism Association, and walked the runway for the JARRET’s CEEANN, CBCL 2022 F/W Collection all before their official debut on May 24. In the middle of their exciting—and busy—debut journey, BLANK2Y took the time to answer some of The Kraze’s questions about confidence and challenges, the way they want to be seen, their relationship with K2YWE (their fans who they refer to as the tenth member of the group), and much more.

Get To Know BLANK2Y

BLANK2Y is a blended word of “blank,” as in a blank space with infinite possibilities, and “key,” the core of Keystone Entertainment, representing a united direction between fans and the members toward the end goal of realizing our dreams. Having no set positions in the group will certainly give a chance for BLANK2Y to constantly change, grow, and bring out the infinite potential in their “blank” space. This also means that DK, Louis, Donghyuk, Siwoo, Mikey, U, Youngbin, Songjun, and Sodam will all have the opportunity to show various sides of themselves. Talking about positions, their leader isn’t set either. They have a rotating system where during a nine-month period, all nine members will have to take on the duty of leader. Their age differences—the oldest member, DK, is 24 while Sodam, the maknae, is 18—also forms a unique dynamic within their team.

Louis, who at the time of the interview was the appointed leader of the month, said I’m becoming more responsible because I get to lead practices and such. I think other members would learn more about responsibility when their time to be a leader comes.” Talking about the team’s dynamic, Youngbin also added that he is the early bird of the group while, “Siwoo is the biggest prankster, but he’s our happy virus at the same time! In fact, that’s why I’m most curious about how Siwoo would be as a leader.”

I wish we can get a unique keyword that represents how outstanding BLANK2Y is!”—DK

Compared to some groups where all the members trained together for years before, BLANK2Y spent a fairly short time together before debuting, yet they already showed great chemistry in their pre-debut reality show, BLANK2Y’S. It seems like it came pretty naturally to the artists, as Mikey shared that getting this close to each other didn’t seem like a big challenge to them and added, “At first, members were a little shy around each other, so it took some time to get to know each other. However, we gathered together to make a great team with a common goal. So the biggest challenge for us at first was, I would say, being shy.” 

That common goal, according to the group’s official description on Keystone Entertainment’s website, is to mark a milestone in the music industry in 2022 with powerful performances and excellent visuals, so it is not a surprise that the members have their definite ideas of the K2Ywords they wish to be recognized as. Sodam said he wishes to be described as, “a unique artist with fresh charms,” while Donghyuk would love to hear the praising question, Iisn’t BLANK2Y so good on stages?” In addition, it seems like DK is challenging the creativity of fans (and K-Pop journalists?) as he answered, “I wish we can get a unique keyword that represents how outstanding BLANK2Y is!”

Dive Into CONFIDENCE and More With BLANK2Y’s First Trilogy

BLANK2Y’s debut mini-album, K2Y I : CONFIDENCE [Thumbs Up], came with the title track “Thumbs Up,” which shows a very charismatic side of the members with their heads (and thumbs) up. Even the best of us have moments when we feel down or lost, and it’s hard to imagine how much confidence a group of young artists needs when they are getting ready to put themselves out there. So what is BLANK2Y’s secret? According to Louis, the group’s, “confidence comes from teamwork. We have gathered with the best output in mind, so we take pride in our strong teamwork. You cannot talk about BLANK2Y without confidence! Whenever we feel down with ourselves, we try to gather and practice even more and share feedback to regain our confidence.”

“You cannot talk about BLANK2Y without confidence!”—Louis

They opened with a strong and important topic for young generations with confidence, but this is only the first chapter of their K2Y trilogy. DK said, “I cannot spoil anything yet [about the upcoming albums], but we will fill music and stories in empty spaces, just like the meaning behind our name. We want to tell stories that will share fresh and powerful energy with everyone, so I hope you look forward to what’s next for BLANK2Y.” Talking about future plans, there is an obvious question we can’t skip. When asked if they set any goals for themselves DK answered, “For this year, our goal is to not get injured while promoting, spend more time with K2YWE, and win the ‘Rookie of the Year’ award!”

K2Y I : CONFIDENCE [Thumbs Up] consists of a total of five tracks (including the intro and the English version of the title track) and already shows the diversity of BLANK2Y. But as a BLANK(2Y) space has infinite possibilities at every new beginning, we can probably expect boundless more when it comes to concepts and musical genres from BLANK2Y. Siwoo mentioned he would like to try a vital concept with the group. “We can also be very refreshing. We have more powerful concepts to show you, but I’d love to show our fresh, bubbly side in the future!” We can’t speak in the name of all K2YWE, but we are certain that all of us are ready to see that, Siwoo!

K2YWE, the Tenth Member of BLANK2Y

The fan's excitement started way before BLANK2Y’s actual debut. They were definitely not quiet about their passion and support for the boys on social media, which didn’t go without response and gratitude. The strong and active relationship between K-Pop artists and their fans is one of the aspects that sets K-Pop aside from the rest of the music industry, and thinking of this connection as a close friendship or family is more than common. But BLANK2Y went a step further and straight up just added their fandom as the tenth member of the group. Even the word count went up when it came to the boys’ answers regarding anything K2YWE-related—the ultimate reassurance you could ask for when it comes to affection (not that there was any need for reassurance).

“K2YWE is a combination of K2Y from ‘BLANK2Y’ and ‘We,’ and means that ‘We will always be together.’” After explaining the name behind their fandom, Siwoo also added that, “it is extra special because our fans, who will stay with us for a long time, have come up with and voted for this name.” Talking about the kind of relationship they want to build with fans, Youngbin said, “They have sent us so much love and support even before our debut, and I hope they will be with us for a long time. BLANK2Y always saves a seat right next to it for K2YWE!”

Talking about the early precious moments with fans, Sungjun mentioned their debut showcase as a memorable moment: “We finally got to debut and actually see fans who have been supporting us before the debut; it just felt surreal and happy.” The fans' initial support converted into a successful debut for BLANK2Y. When asked if there were any specific moments when they realized that “Thumbs Up” was considered a hot debut and that they already have a significant fanbase all around the world, U answered, “Many international K2YWEs have sent us congratulating messages for reaching 10 million views for our ‘Thumbs Up’ music video, also participated in multiple events like video call fansign events, and we are very thankful for their huge support. We promise to work harder for you, so please keep your eyes on us!”

Besides the title song that generated big numbers on YouTube (currently over 13 million views), BLANK2Y’s debut mini-album also includes a fan song, the vocal-heavy ballad “Constellation,” which Donghyuk also highlighted: “There is a line in our song ‘Constellation’ that goes ‘I’ll walk with you side by side, I’ll always shine for you / We don’t need words, I promise now, just stay with me.’ This is exactly what we want to tell K2YWE.”

“BLANK2Y always saves a seat right next to it for K2YWE!”—Youngbin

Debuting at a time when the pandemic caused significantly fewer restrictions than any time in the past two years means that the possibility of connecting with fans in offline events is not as unreachable as it seemed before. That being said, Keystone Entertainment is not being secretive about the fact that they are already working on opportunities for K2YWE all around the world to meet BLANK2Y really soon. “You remember that K2YWE is the [tenth] member of BLANK2Y, right?” asked Sodam when tour preparations were brought up. “Thank you so much for your love and support, no matter where you are. We’ll visit K2YWEs around the world, so please wait just a bit more for us!”

Rapid 1-on-1 With Each Member

Idols tend to have their representative emojis that are used to refer to them both in official content and within the fanbase. You see a dolphin emoji and K-Pop fans will instantly know who you’re talking about. Now, K2YWE obviously has the 🥝, but if you were wondering what the BLANK2Y members would like to use or more like what is their favorite icon, we’ll reveal them before getting a bit more chill and personal with each member one by one.

DK: I use a green heart 💚very often.

Louis: I think I use the tiger emoji often. 

Donghyuk: 😊This is the one I use the most!

Siwoo: I like cute emoticons, like the one with puffy cheeks or flying hearts.

Mikey: 🥺I think this emoji looks like me, especially eyebrows!

U: My favorite is a shiba inu puppy emoticon with bright eyes from KakaoTalk!

Youngbin: ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*) This! Isn’t this so cute?

Sungjun: 🍀I’m into using this emoji these days.

Sodam: I’ve been using a white heart 🤍since pre-debut!

The Kraze: Vigilant fans might have recognized you from your cameo in the popular K-Drama Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. Do you have any aspirations to try acting later on? Can fans anticipate actor DK?

DK: It was an amazing opportunity and a happy experience for me, so I’d like to try again if I get a chance in the future. I’ll work harder so I can show various sides of DK! Please look forward to what’s next!

TK: Louis, you love playing games in your free time and are also said to be quite competitive. What is your favorite game that you can never lose?

Louis: Arm wrestling! I sometimes arm wrestle with members and I never want to lose.

TK: Donghyuk, you were preparing to become a flight attendant. What is a travel destination that you would like to fly to with BLANK2Y and why?

Donghyuk: I’d love to travel around Korea and try busking and meet K2YWEs living outside of Seoul. Also, I want to travel around the world and share more Korean culture with international fans!

TK: Siwoo, you mentioned recently that you have to watch a drama while eating. Can you recommend any recent favorite shows to K-Drama fans?

Siwoo: I recommend God’s Gift - 14 Days; The Penthouse Seasons 1, 2, 3; and Crash Landing on You!

TK: Mikey, your MBTI is INTP and you said you are indeed quite shy. How did you overcome this, adapting to a new country, new language, and BLANK2Y?

Mikey: I was naturally shy, and I remember staying alone at a company building late at night to study for myself. Looking back, it was just a step to achieve my dream as a K-Pop idol. I still have challenges of my own, including the Korean language, but members always help me out whenever I struggle, so I’m very happy to study and learn.

TK: U, you (and I are both) a big fan of Yoo Jaesuk, so you must watch quite a few variety shows in your free time. If you could choose one to join for BLANK2Y promotions, which one would you pick?

U: I’d love to appear in all programs with senior Yoo Jaesuk, but if I have to choose one, I really want to be on Sixth Sense!

TK: Youngbin, you prepared to apply for a PE major in university while you were in high school. How often do you work out? Do you have a go-to or favorite routine? 

Youngbin: If I have time, I work out five days a week. If I don’t have enough time, I try to work out at least three days a week. My favorite sports are basketball and snowboarding, but I enjoy going to the gym these days!

TK: Sungjun, you mentioned that you prefer winter over summer. How are you dealing with the Korean summer heat? Any tips for us to cool down?

Sungjun: I like to drink cold water or drink! K2YWEs, make sure you stay hydrated as well!

TK: All of you are quite athletic, but Sodam, you were actually preparing to become a soccer player before you eventually choose singing. How was it to recently meet, interact with, and get support from Alisson Becker and Fred Rodrigues?

Sodam: I felt like I became distant from soccer when I started preparing to be an idol. But I got to meet professional players as an idol now, so that was very unreal and amazing!

“We promise to work harder for you, so please keep your eyes on us!” — U