Best Breakup Anthems

This year’s first B-sides special focused on new starts to the year; for this week, we chose some of the best songs to make you feel in control and at your best in breakup scenarios. Music is often one of the best forms of therapy during difficult times, and these tracks will definitely help buck you up after any sort of relationship struggles.

“Egotistic” - MAMAMOO

One of MAMAMOO’s more powerful anthems, “Egotistic” not only has one of the most addicting Latin musical influences, but it also has a fierce message about the state of an unbalanced relationship. Hwasa opens the song with the lyrics “I’m a satellite of you / I orbit you / but that doesn’t mean you’re the sun”—a commanding group of lyrics that quickly condemn the opposite person’s arrogance in the relationship. “Egotistic” talks about the lack of a supportive relationship, where the other party takes without giving. The song’s response to this toxic behavior is profound, especially when focusing on leaving and not getting overly angry, as it’s useless.

“Hann” - (G)I-DLE

(G)I-DLE brought the frigid feelings to a failing relationship with “Hann.” Singing of a sudden change in their lovers, the girls express their strength in forgetting their lovers without remorse, erasing them from their lives in order to move on happily. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where this is the only possible remedy to a toxic relationship. Hearing the group so confidently push away someone so close helps provide that same strength to the listener to do what they must for their own happiness.

“Don’t Recall” - KARD

Arguably KARD’s most popular pre-debut release, “Don’t Recall” features a song from two different perspectives of a relationship, with the ladies singing of their desire to break free while the boys desperately hang on to the past. Having these dual perspectives of a situation can also explain one person’s own internal struggle in a difficult decision.

“Gashina” - Sunmi

You can’t even think of the term legendary without hearing Sunmi’s “Gashina” playing in your head. Another track that begins with a failing relationship and her initial response of sorrow, Sunmi breaks through these emotions with the powerful decision to prove that she’s better than the lover who hurt her. Metaphors of flowers are used all throughout the lyrics as Sunmi emphasizes her own blooming while her past lover withers away.

“Mind Your Own Business” - Ailee

Ailee’s “Mind Your Own Business” brings in an air of hope and strength at the end of a failing relationship. She decides that she will no longer allow herself to be treated badly and that she has the courage to walk out on her own. After being with someone for so long, it can seem that life without them is impossible, but Ailee is here to remind you that you can be your own strength in this world. You don’t need to rely on those who have hurt you.