Simple Street Sweets: Dalgona Candy

Last month, the internet was taken by storm by the viral Dalgona coffee, a whipped coffee drink that was brought to the attention of the masses on a Korean travel show.e gave you a step by step guide on how to make it check that out here. 

This month, we are going to teach you about the candy that shares its name. With two ingredients you already have in your kitchen, you’ll have a delicious treat that will keep your sweet tooth at bay. 

The History

This candy goes by many different names across the world: honeycomb toffee, sponge candy, Hokey Dokey, and even seafoam. However, in Korea, it goes by two names Dalgona (달고나) and Ppopgi (뽑기).  The candy was a type of really popular street food from the 1970s-1990s in South Korea. These days you can still find a Ppopgi vendor or two in popular tourist areas to enjoy what is now considered a “retro” treat. 

The Challenge of Freeing the Pattern

When purchasing this candy from street vendors, the seller would traditionally press a pattern into the candy using a cookie cutter. The challenge was given to “free” the pattern without breaking it. You had to nibble, lick, suck whatever it took to free the candy pattern. If you were able to free it you would win a free second candy! I have enjoyed this candy many times from a street vendor and “freeing the pattern” is harder than it looks. The feeling of success is almost as sweet as this candy. 

How To Make Dalgona or Poppgi Candy

Things to Gather 

Sugar: White sugar or brown sugar works best, avoid powdered sugar.

Baking Soda: Depending on how much you plan to make, you really do not need much of this! Make sure it is baking soda not baking powder!

Steel Ladle: The bigger the better! It makes it easier to stir the mixture without making a mess.  

Wooden Spoon/Chopsticks: Something big enough to stir the mixture inside the ladle without it overflowing.

Skewers/Popsicle Sticks: These are optional, but are fun to have to make the Dalgona into lollipops.

Cookie Sheet/ Wax Paper: Either is fine! You need something to pour the candy onto to cool.

Tablespoon: This is what you’ll use to measure out the sugar.

In order to make Dalgona you need a direct flame, so for best results, it’s recommended to make the candy on a gas stove.


  1. Gather your ingredients together, on your wax paper or cookie sheet put a small amount of sugar on the surface. You will pour the melted over this spot. 

  2. In your ladle, put two tablespoons of sugar and hold the ladle over the flame. 

  3. Stir the sugar in the ladle carefully until it melts, be careful not to burn it. To adjust the heat of the melted sugar, hold the ladle closer or farther away from the burner.

  4. Once all the sugar has been melted, add the TINIEST pinch of baking soda, too much will make your candy bitter, so be careful. Use the picture as a reference. Then, stir. 

  5. Once it reaches the color seen in the picture below, (or a little darker or lighter) pour the melted sugar on your cookie sheet or wax paper. If you plan to make a lollipop, pour the melted sugar over the end of a popsicle stick or skewer. 


While it is still hot you can draw a pattern into the surface. Be quick as the mixture will harden fast. I drew a K for The Kraze into mine! 

  1. After about two or three minutes you can carefully lift the cooled sugar from the wax paper or cookie sheet.

  2. Enjoy your homemade Dalgona! 


Is there another culinary delight you want to learn how to make? Tweet us on Twitter @KrazeMagazine and tell us what you want to see!