[Interview] Hanging Out With A.C.E

We here at The Kraze were honored that A.C.E took the time to sit down with us during their busy KCON preparation schedule. We got to talk about their upcoming project, what they would be if they weren't idols, and what smartphone apps they use in their spare time to unwind. Keep reading and see if you have something in common with our “Favorite Boys!” 

Q: For those unfamiliar with A.C.E, can you introduce yourselves and your role in the group?

A.C.E: Set to be a hero! We are A.C.E!

Chan: Nice to meet you! My name is Chan, I'm the main vocalist and cutie maknae in A.C.E.

Donghun: Hi My name is Donghun, I'm the main vocalist in A.C.E, nice to meet you!

Jun: Hi guys, my name is Jun! I’m the leader of A.C.E, nice to meet you!

Byeongkwan: Hi guys! My name is BK and I'm the main performer in A.C.E. Nice to meet you!

Wow: Hi! This is Wow, nice to meet you!

Q: If you had to choose a color to describe yourself, what would it be and why?

C: Yellow, because it has a lot of positive energy just like me.

J: I would choose red because it represents passion and sexiness.

BK: I’m orange for passion. 

DH: I’m blue. Because it's emotional and calm. 

W: I would choose purple for its mysteriousness and uniqueness. 

Q: What is your go to order at a café?


DH: Strawberry latte.

J: I order strawberry latte too!

BK: It’s iced americano for me. 

W: I get an iced americano too.

Q: If Jun wasn't the leader, who would it be? Why?

BK: Wow, because he’s very shy. [A.C.E laughs] It would push him to be stronger and help him get out of his comfort zone.

Q: What is your favorite smartphone app to use in your freetime? 

C: KartRider, it’s a game.

J: YouTube.

DH: YouTube is my favorite too!

W: I really enjoy Wavve. It’s a Korean app to watch dramas and movies.

BK: For me it’s either Netflix or Twitter.

Q: What are your personal goals for 2021?

J: I want to show my self-composed song to the fans. 

BK: My goal is to make Choice happy. 

C: And my goal is to make the members happy.

W: I just want to stay healthy. 

DH: I agree, focusing on our health is important. 

Q: Which member would you pick to be your partner in the zombie apocalypse? Why? 

BK: JUN! He is very sensitive, always carrying around things we need. I’m sure he would be very helpful in a zombie apocalypse.

C: I would pick Donghun because he is very strong and powerful.

DH: And I would pick Chan just because he is funny. 

Q: When travel restrictions lift, where would you like to go on vacation?

BK: Switzerland for sure! 

J: I would like to go to Hawaii!

DH, C: We would love to go to Los Angeles.

W: How about Indonesia?

Q: A.C.E has proven to be masters of any concept. What concept would you like to try next?

BK: Sexy concept… more sexy, a dark sexy concept. We want Choice to have a nose bleed due to our sexiness. 

Q: Who is the best at TikTok dances?

A.C.E: King Wow!! [shows a little dance]

Q: Which member has changed the most since debut? How have they changed?

C: Jun.

J: Me?!

C: It was hard for him to find comfort, because he always had to take care of the other members, but now coming close to our fourth anniversary, he improved a lot and found his comfort and inner peace. 

Q: Which star would you like to collaborate with next if you could pick anyone in the world?

BK: Bad Bunny, Daddy Yankee, and Justin Bieber!

J: I would love to work with The Black Eyed Peas or will.i.am. I love The Black Eyed Peas. 

C: Olivia Rodrigo. She has a very beautiful voice. I really like “drivers license.” 

DH: Billie Eilish!

BK: Wow wants to collaborate with the aliens. [laughs]

W: Ray Charles

Q: If A.C.E was able to be the face of a brand, what would it be? 

A.C.E: Just do it, Nike!

J: It would be nice to see our faces on the billboards of the sightseeing locations or at the airport! 

Q: What's your go to snack/meal at the convenience store when you need a break?

DH: I just get cup noodles.

BK: I really like egg sandwiches.

J: I usually get kimbap, or bread with milk.

C: I go with cup noodles!

W: Biyott [A type of yogurt].

Q: If you weren't an idol member, what would you be doing?

C: I think I would be a soccer coach. 

J: I would probably have my own restaurant.

BK: I love sea animals, so I would be a penguin trainer. 

DH: I would still be a singer/songwriter. 

W: I would like to be a craftsman or like a carpenter. 

Q: What has been your favorite song to cover?

C: “drivers license” [laughs].

BK: I really loved singing “Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기)” by Yerin Baek. [whole group starts singing].

Q: Can you give Choice a hint about the upcoming project?

BK: The date is already fixed for our next project. It’s coming really soon. Please look forward to it. We are bringing some positive songs that go very well with spring. 

Q: Any final thoughts you'd like to share with your fans?

A.C.E: You are the reason we can do music, so please stay positive and don’t get too down, because we love you so much, Choice! 

Please give A.C.E. so much love and support as they continue with their busy schedule and their upcoming project song “Down (feat. Grey)” on April 16! You can find A.C.E. at all the links down below. While we are waiting for their new project, you can stream their latest release “Favorite Boys.”  



