May Favorites

Favorite Song: “Rush Hour” - Gaho of PLT

It’s hard to explain just how hard this track hit, even upon first listen. While it may not be considered the most glamorous release this month, Gaho’s single brings out the best in me even upon first listen. “Rush Hour'' mixes the warmth and fuzziness of a bright retro track with the nostalgic feelings of early 2000s punk. Something about it feels like coming home, and Gaho’s vocals are so smooth, he’s able to nail the feel of the track while keeping an impressive vocal consistency. He’s heard hitting some ridiculously high notes towards the end of the song, and a lesser vocalist would surely struggle with that kind of range. “Rush Hour” is a perfect blend of old and new, bringing together the best of the two. 



This one was a bit of a surprise, but it was clear upon first listen that by far GWSN had the best album release this month. From the intensely strong opener “Burn” to the upbeat retro “I Sing (lalala),” the album blends together different genres flawlessly and showcases the best of their vocalists and rappers alike. There’s not one skippable track on this album, even if some of the songs seem quirky upon first listen. A few of these songs are of title track caliber, and even I couldn’t have predicted just by listening which one was actually chosen as the title. It’s nice to see such a strong album release from this particular girl group, given that it has been a ridiculous amount of time since we’ve seen a release from them. One thing is for sure, GWSN certainly shouldn’t be underestimated.

Favorite Music Video: “Let Me Know” - PIXY

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of darker concepts, especially from girl groups. PIXY has intrigued me from the start, not just for their darker tone, but the intriguing storyline they’ve put together for themselves as well. The latest comeback “Let Me Know” is shot quite well considering their small company status, and a lot of the visual elements are extremely eye-catching. On top of that, all the outfits are on point, from the all-black ensembles to the colorful, glittery elements added in some of the choreography shots. Kudos to the stylists and creative director bringing the fairy lore to life. 

Honorable Mention: “Creamppang” - SUMIN & Zion.T

I just had to include this one because there is something particularly magical about the combination of SUMIN and Zion.T. They are both quirky enough to be polarizing as far as tastes, but when put together they blend so well it’s impossible to deny, even if you’re not a fan of one or both of them. Even if their art form seems particularly out there, there’s something so addicting about the music video composition for their latest single “Creaamppang.” Perhaps what I personally love most about it is that the two of them seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and there’s no restriction on their behavior together, as is the standard for male and female K-Pop idols. We just get to see two friends genuinely enjoying each other’s time, and it’s surprisingly pure. 

Favorite Performance: EVERGLOW - “FIRST” on Music Bank

As I highlighted in the comeback piece on EVERGLOW’s latest release, the choreography and performance for “FIRST” was no joke. It is definitely the main highlight of this comeback, and that really shines through in the live performance. The outfits for this particular performance are quite unique as well, which is a refreshing change. The red and black stand in stark contrast to the background, which adds to the eye-catching quality of the choreography.