Things To Remember During Comeback Season


Comeback season can be super exciting, with group after group dropping albums left and right. For many fans, especially those who like numerous groups, comeback season can feel overwhelming. Here’s a few things to remember during all of these comebacks, from now until the end of the year before award show time.

It’s Okay If You Don’t Buy The Album Right Away

Between pre-ordering anywhere from Weverse to the SM Global or running to Target the first day an album drops, you may feel like it’s an obligation to immediately purchase the album (or in some cases, sets of them) on the first day it’s released. 

If you’re in a situation where you are aware you need to save your money or have more important things to spend it on like bills (I’m looking at you adult stans), it’s perfectly okay to save your money and buy the album later! Whether it’s the day of a comeback versus a month later, it doesn’t make you less of a fan when you decide to purchase an album. The album will still be on the shelf when you are ready for it. 

It’s Okay If You Don’t Like A Certain Title Track

Sometimes, you just aren’t going to like a certain comeback. There is no rule in stanning a group that says you have to like every single song a group releases. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to the music they listen to, and it’s the same for K-Pop! There may be a certain comeback that just doesn’t match what your taste is, and it won’t change the fact you’re still a fan of the group. Do not feel bad!

You Can Watch Content On Your Own Time

Between the comeback stages, variety show appearances, and other content a group does during their promotions, it can feel like a lot. Fans feel like it’s absolutely necessary to watch this content the second it drops. Heads up—it’s still okay if you don’t watch it right away! We all have our own lives, whether it’s with work, school, or just human things. The content will still be there when you are ready to watch it. 

Show Your Support How You Want

There’s no right or wrong way to show your support during comeback season.

You can purchase the album, stream the music video as many times as you want, listen to the album on Spotify, or whatever else you can think of! How you decide to show your support for a group (or groups) is up to you. 

Comeback season is a fun time for all K-Pop stans. Just remember to enjoy it the way you want to!