Take a Ride with woo!ah!

Hold on tight and keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times because woo!ah! is back with their latest single album Pit-a-Pat and funky fresh title track “Rollercoaster.”

“Rollercoaster” is one of those instantly catchy synth pop tracks with just enough of a retro touch to please any listener. Artists truly can’t miss with these kinds of songs, and the girls of woo!ah! are no exception. Produced by collapsedone (any fromis_9 fan should be familiar with his sound), “Rollercoaster” is an upbeat pop cut that’s fun from its opening drum beats to its final note. The song undoubtedly shines in the soaring pre-chorus where the girls’ vocals pick up in intensity before launching into the infectious chorus. 

The video for “Rollercoaster” is unsurprisingly as fun as the song itself, filled with neon colors and amusement park references. The retro touches are certainly here too, with vaporwave-inspired backgrounds and the girls even gliding around a roller rink. In addition to the electric video, the choreography (especially in the chorus) is cute and sure to be copied by idols and fans alike for days to come. 

Pit-a-Pat also features “LOVE THING,” a soft pop song that leans into ‘90s R&B. If “Rollercoaster” is the wildest ride at the park, then “LOVE THING” is the Ferris wheel where all the couples go to cozy up to one another. The difference in sound between “Rollercoaster” and “LOVE THING” is about as stark as it gets, and in a way that makes the latter a perfect foil to the title track.

Check out Pit-a-Pat and get ready to have some fun with woo!ah!

Edited by Aleena Faisal