It's Christmas!

It’s Christmas! Well, it’s actually Boxing Day now, but it’s still the Christmas season, right? So, to celebrate this festive period, here are some great Christmas B-side tracks from your favorite K-Pop bands to continue your Christmas mood. Enjoy!

“Winter Falls” - Stray Kids

Stray Kids “Winter Falls” is a great song for the festive season and the third track from their 2021 Christmas EP Christmas EveL. Opening with the majestic sound of a guitar that plays throughout the entire backdrop, “Winter Falls” beautifully utilizes the members' vocals, raps, and ad-libs to create a warm and melodious track. It’s really nice to hear the rap line’s vocal style as well as their rap style that Stays all love, but I personally adore Changbin’s raspy vocals at the end of the first verse, just before the very first chorus drops; it’s unexpected, yet this small vocal section adds a little charming quality to an already wonderfully delivered song.

“X-MAS” - Xdinary Heroes

Xdinary Heroes’ “X-MAS” is probably one of the most unexpected and baffling Christmas songs to ever be released, not only in K-Pop but in the entire music industry. It’s also probably one of the best Christmas songs you could listen to, especially for those who don’t enjoy the usual sounds of Christmas songs. As written in my review of Xdinary Heroes’ recent mini-album Overload, despite its very obvious title “X-MAS,'' this track is perfect for all seasons and moods as it doesn’t carry a heavy, standout Christmas vibe (there’s a quick mention of a snowman, but that’s about it). “X-MAS” is fun and catchy, and highlights the members' skills of experimenting with both their instrumentation and vocal delivery. 

“Crystal Snow” - BTS

The ninth track from their 2018 Japanese album FACE YOURSELF, “Crystal Snow” immediately carries a sense of warmth and nostalgia when listening to it. The vocal and rap delivery are excellent. You instantly know that you are listening to a BTS song, with each of the members standing out while simultaneously blending with each other's vocal styles perfectly. Shoutout to Jin and his impressive high notes! “Crystal Snow” has the perfect sound for any wintery backdrop - i.e. cosying up in the warm under a blanket in front of the fire, watching the snowfall from a window. Any wintery place that your imagination wants to take you, “Crystal Snow” and the voices of BTS will be the perfect sounds to accompany you there.

“Grey Christmas” - Hwasa

Hwasa’s “Grey Christmas” is a great Christmas track that carries both a nostalgic and modern vibe and is perfect to listen to during the festive season. Her vocals and the melody have a vibe that sound somewhat similar to Ariana Grande’s Christmas vibes, making you want to hear a collaboration between these two artists. Hwasa’s vocal switch between heavenly notes in the chorus to sharp, rap-like vocals in the verses is great and kind of unexpected, adding to the nostalgic and modern feel while also being a warm and cozy song to listen to each Christmas. 

Edited by Cara Musashi