The Unfortunate Dark Side of Being a K-Pop Fan on Social Media

Being an active fan of K-Pop on social media can be so fun, between making friends, being in group chats, posting selca days, and more! But there is an unfortunate darker side of social media that isn’t talked about enough.

Just an important reminder before we dive in that this does not apply to everyone. There are plenty of wonderful people in the online communities, but it’s good to be aware of the good, the bad, and the in-betweens.

The Obvious (and Unfortunate) Fan Wars

Fan wars are one of the most inevitable parts of the K-Pop side of social media. It can be draining and exhausting. Generally, fan wars aren’t even over anything worth fighting about. They’re most commonly seen on Twitter, with fandoms finding something about another to pick fights. 

Typically (and luckily), fan wars don’t last long and eventually blow over after a day or two tops. As mentioned before in previous advice, it’s super important to know that it’s not worth involving yourself in fan wars. Escalating these silly arguments never makes things better. Remember it’s always good to step away from the negativity, and even log out for a while until things pass. 

Fan Wars Sometimes Lead to Bullying

With fan wars sometimes comes full blown bullying. Bullying has become such a common occurrence online that it may become something newer fans learn to just take part of with little to no shame. The moment anyone expresses their own opinion that someone doesn’t agree with, it won’t be long before their mentions can be filled with harsh words and even threats. Many of the “fans” that take part in these negative interactions don’t know where to draw the line, and may or may not target certain fans to fit their negative agenda.

It’s okay to disagree on someone else’s opinion regarding topics in K-Pop, such as liking or disliking a group’s comeback. It’s not okay to outright bully someone over it. 

It’s Never Funny

Once these bullies get called out for their behaviors, it’s always the same excuses with the most popular one being “it’s just K-Pop!” If it’s “just K-Pop” then there would be no reason to go as far as to bully someone for having an opinion that doesn’t match your own. Negativity can and most likely will always affect someone in ways you don’t see. 

It’s Okay to Log Out

Like I mentioned in my advice from the ups and downs of being in the fandom, it’s always okay to simply log out and take a break. Social media in general can be taxing on a person’s mental health. K-Pop communities are no different. Taking a break from social media allows for a reset of a person’s mental and emotional health. Don’t feel guilty for taking a break as long as you need - it can be a day or it can be a month. Your time to rejuvenate is all on your own. 

As said before, it’s super important to know that not every fan of K-Pop participates in this negative behavior. Every fandom has its ups and downs, and as long as you recognize them, it can help you know when it’s time to take breaks from the negativity.