If you’d told me back in 2019 that “HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive)” would mean more to ATEEZ’s story than meets the eye, I never would’ve believed you. As a fresh ATINY at the time, “HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive)” was my absolute favorite track that led me down the rabbit hole of ATEEZ releases (once I finally stopped listening to the track on repeat, that is). Now, at the end of 2022 and approaching four years since the release of TREASURE EP.2: Zero To One and its title tracks “Say My Name” and “HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive),” we have SPIN OFF : FROM THE WITNESS and “HALAZIA.” This is ATEEZ’s first single album release in their four years as a group, but it feels like so much more.

The single album starts off with title track “HALAZIA” before going into the remixes: “WIN - June One Remix,” “I’m The One - Eden-ary Remix,” and “Take Me Home - IDIOTAPE Remix.” I love a good remix, and it’s nice to see a Korean release featuring remixes (something that was seemingly reserved for their Japanese releases). The final track is “Outro : Blue Bird,” which is an instrumental track featuring the sounds and stylings from “HALAZIA” with some extra EDM influences and a guitar solo added to the mix.

“HALAZIA” feels like a culmination of everything ATEEZ has done in the past, mixing sounds and genres from some of their most popular tracks, and adding new elements to create another masterpiece. That’s what makes ATEEZ such an incredible group – they embrace change while still sticking with sounds and styles that they’ve mastered in the past. It not only helps to create a cohesive discography, but also shows ATEEZ’s ability to adapt while still staying true to who they are as artists.

It’s also nice to hear a balance between the line distribution – I can’t remember the last time Yeosang sang this much in an ATEEZ title track. Not only that, but it’s a very different style of singing for him, a little raspier and rough around the edges. I’d love to hear it more. In true rap line fashion, Hongjoong and Mingi slay their rap verses; the two members are always so creative, and their willingness to try new things is only one of the reasons that make the duo so impressive.

Just like with the track, the music video for “HALAZIA” continues their concept story while also giving us glimpses of past comebacks. Seeing the destroyed versions of sets from “Answer” and “Guerilla” and references to “WONDERLAND” was really cool, and I love the scarecrow version of HALATEEZ and the burning of the “HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive)” hat that Wooyoung holds. The dance break is just classic ATEEZ, reminding me of their time on KINGDOM: LEGENDARY WAR. The frenetic nature of the choreography mixed with the drama of the floating, chained-up orb being pulled down and then dropping onto San to create this sudden calm epilogue scene is pure ATEEZ. 

While I know this is a SPIN OFF, I really hope they continue this side story in future releases.

Edited by Deshalia Murray