Advice From an Older Fan to a Newer Fan

Getting into a new fandom can always be exciting. There is new music, new faces to learn, a new atmosphere, and more. K-Pop is an exciting fandom to join, no matter which artist finally brings you in. As a fan for over seven years, here are a few things you should know if you’re newer to the K-Pop world.

K-Pop is Not a Full-Time Job

It’s okay to have a life outside of consuming content. The content will still be there when you’re ready for it. Don’t turn watching videos or constantly listening to music the only thing you do. You don’t have to stream or vote 24/7. Go out with friends, go to work, go to school, and don’t hold back from doing other activities if it doesn’t involve K-Pop. The time to go back to the content will come. Don’t let pressure from other fans make you feel like you have to devote yourself to it. You’re not any less of a fan if you aren’t able to buy an album on release day or stream constantly. 

Avoid Negativity as Best as Possible

Whether online or in person, negativity will always find a way to appear. It’s never a good idea to feed into the negative energy, such as fanwars and arguments. It's been said before and it will be said again here in Fan Advice: if you find yourself surrounded by too much negativity, it’s okay to step back and log out. Negativity is draining, and it’s never worth getting worked up over  K-Pop.

Idols Are Human Too

The idols who make up your favorite groups are also human. Think of idols as people just like you with an insanely awesome job. They also make mistakes, have friends, drink, go out, and enjoy life just like us. They shouldn’t be on a pedestal simply for being an idol, and it’s okay to call them out for mistakes.

K-Pop is Meant to be Fun

Getting involved in K-Pop is super exciting! There are so many groups to learn and listen to, concerts to attend, and friends you can make. Remember this is all meant to be fun! Enjoying K-Pop should never be a stressful situation. Enjoy what you have and how you partake in the hobby—whether that be listening to your favorite group on repeat, collecting albums, watching YouTube videos, or anything else. Everyone enjoys K-Pop in their own way, so do it in whatever way makes you the happiest.

Edited by Erin Rupprecht