Sunmi’s “Balloon in Love” Is Perfect For The Summertime

I would use laidback, groovy, and upbeat as words to describe Sunmi’s new track, “Balloon in Love.” Many artists are releasing  hit summer songs now that it's summertime. This track is a single and captures that sensational aura of summer. 

“Balloon in Love” - Single Tracklist:

  1. “Balloon in Love” 

Imagine you’re on a beach, lying down, feet kicked up, with a nice cold drink next to you. That’s what I picture when I hear this song. Sunmi has created the perfect song to play when it’s time to relax. The cool strums of the guitar and drums create a soft rock track that still has its elements of pop. Sunmi’s voice is super clear and soothing. Her voice has always been smooth and angelic, and in this song, she gave us just that. In the song, she talks about being in love and falling in love. The lyrics are so cute. She talks about how she wants her partner to stay in her arms, and how she is always with them. It’s a cute song with a cozy summer vibe.

The music video is beautiful. The setting is bright, and whimsical, and shows nature in a beautiful light. In the video, the scenes tell a wonderful story of love and show Sunmi being affectionate with her partner. Throughout the video, a bright smile is on her face and you can't help but smile along too. It's an aesthetically pleasing video that I think many are going to love. 

Sunmi has done it once again and has given us a song we will never forget. For a beautiful song about love, with an equally beautiful video check out Sunmi’s “Balloon in Love.”