Apink Makes a Vibrant Return with “Dumhdurum”

Veteran girl group Apink is back! The girls returned on April 13 with their latest mini-album LOOK. Spearheaded by the title track “Dumhdurum,” the release is full of 90s flavor and the vivacity that only Apink can bring.

“Dumhdurum” starts off the album; more a dance track than anything, “Dumhdurum” is the kind of song you like from the second it starts. Not only is the chorus catchy, but the beat itself is innately addictive. The track is produced by Black Eyed Pilseung and Jeon Goon, who previously worked on Apink’s “%%,” so its appeal isn’t surprising in the slightest. “Dumhdurum” has already seen major success, including earning the group an “all-kill” after it topped all five major Korean music charts. The video, meanwhile, is just as brilliant as the song itself, with the girls dressed in vibrant colors against even more colorful sets.

Going through the album, “Dumhdurum” is followed by “Yummy.” Though still chiefly a pop track, “Yummy” has some R&B elements to it, perhaps most prominent in the girls’ sultry, romantic vocals. Next up is “Be Myself,” a feel-good soft-pop song with the usual EDM elements, but with a 90s twist. “Love is Blind” is another 90s pop track with just a little bit of funk to it, found mainly in the heavy synth hits. “Overwrite” starts the more-or-less ballad portion of the album. Opening with a soft piano line and Namjoo’s soft vocals, the song swells with both the girls’ heartfelt voices and a sense of nostalgia. “Moment” takes the pace set by “Overwrite” and kicks it up a notch, injecting a strong sense of timeless romance into an otherwise sprightly album. Gone are the EDM effects, instead replaced by sweeping strings. Closing out the album, “Everybody Ready?” is more of your typical upbeat pop track. With bright brass effects and drum beats, the song ends LOOK on a high note.

Check out the scintillating music video for “Dumhdurum” below.