Kep1er Embark on Adventures in DOUBLAST

After competing in Queendom 2 and returning for their first official comeback, nonet Kep1er takes us on a summer adventure in their second mini-album DOUBLAST. In addition to their new album, Kep1er released a music video for their title track “Up!” Just five months since their hit debut single “WA DA DA,” Kep1er is showcasing their quirky artistry and lively personalities in their summer-themed mini-album. In comparison to First Impact, it’s a refreshing soundtrack to beat the heat and enjoy the vibrant energy that Kep1er has to offer. 


  1. "Up!" (title track) 

  2. "LE VOYA9E" 

  3. "Attention" 

  4. "Good Night" 

  5. "Rewind" 


“Up!” has a mixture of both rhythmical funky house and soulful house to create a bouncy hit perfect for the summertime. The funky bass and house sounds amplify the warm yet energizing atmosphere one would find at the beach, park, or poolside with friends. Written by HARRY (Full8loom) and Glory Face, “Up!” focuses on Kep1er’s journey as a group while inviting others into their imaginary world. Lyrics like, “We won't dodge, we speed up, we've come a long way, we're almost there. Nothing to be scared of, now is the beginning,” express the group’s hardworking and dedicated mindset since their debut. The poppy chorus is the most addicting part of the track, making you want to get up and dance. The title track’s buoyant and animated sound has undoubtedly unlocked a feeling of euphoria that’s like no other. 

Get ready to join Kep1er on their tropical vacation as they invite you to their fictitious and magical island where you’ll be in the presence of their amusing chaotic nature with quirky surprises along the way. The music video immerses you into their fictional world—basking in the sun with your favorite summer popsicle or iced drink in hand, exploring what nature has to offer in a campsite, or simply dancing alongside your friends while watching the night sky. With an adorable and playful chemistry in the video, Kep1er wants fans to relish in the youthful and exuberant image that “Up!” displays. The dance break will become a fan-favorite for those who enjoy Kep1er’s high-spirited performances and vivacious charms. Overall, the music video will encourage you to go on an adventure with your friends this summer. 


The light acoustic guitar in “LE VOYA9E” creates a soft atmosphere, so peaceful and pleasing to the ears. Written by whyminsu, the song goes on to describe an unfolding journey via ocean to an unfamiliar island. The pre-chorus and chorus illustrate how the voyage looks from their perspective, even using onomatopoeia to give an ASMR experience in the climax of the song. For example, the lyrics in the chorus help visualize the sounds of the ocean: “Chiki-taka, chiki-taka, chiki-taka, go for a row. Tiki-taka, tiki-taka, tiki-taka, play in the water. Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, the sound of the waves.” It makes you feel like you’re sailing at sea, listening to the whistling of the wind and splashing of the waves. 

Have you ever felt a sudden spark around someone who looks your way? “Attention” expresses a confirmed love at first sight, asking for them to be honest about their feelings. Written by WWWAVE, Tenzo, Samuel Ku, KLOE, Josh McClelland, and QUDO (PAPERMAKER), describing strong feelings between two people can be hard to admit at first—especially if you’re oblivious to it—but Kep1er knows the timing is right. Lyrics like, “Even the gaze that you gave me like I knew it or not, something special today, everything around us, turn into love,” and, “Draw a scene between the two of us, give me that attention,” give perspective on what it’s like to feel a sudden spark, demanding it be more than just a crush. Just as the song says, it’s time to give your attention to that special person. 

A delicate and emotional melody filled with deep-emotions, “Good Night” will have you thinking about your special someone all night—leaving you restless and unable to sleep. Written by Jinli and Glory Face, this B-side has become one of my personal favorites in the album. There’s nothing sweeter and romantic than picturing a special someone before you sleep, waiting until tomorrow to see them again. A youthful track to describe young love, lyrics like, “I'm thinking about you and me closer tomorrow, sleep tight, good night, good night to you,” and, “I'll see you in a little while when the morning will come, let's have the same dream at the same time,” describe the sentiment perfectly. 

Ending the mini-album on a touching note, “Rewind” is a track that is dedicated to Kep1er’s fans, or Keplians. Written by Lee Seu Ran, MooF, JJ Evans, and Ashley Alisha, the piano arrangement and jazzy sound sets the tone to express gratitude for the support and love they were given to reach their dream. It’s a moment that they want to last forever and rewatch the excitement of their blossoming journey. It must have been a difficult journey for Kep1er from their time on Girls Planet 999, their early debut days, and growing on the competition program Queendom 2. With such beautiful lyrics like, “It's you who has protected me in the sad scenes, the words you said, your warmth, to the most beautiful moment, in our time together, rewind again,” the group expresses tender thoughts and reminisce on their memories despite the short-time they’ve been together. 

Embarking on a summer journey in the album DOUBLAST, Kep1er’s bubbly aura embodies the excitement of making memories with our friends and enjoying the warm weather. Ranging from groovy sounds, relaxing arrangements, and delicate melodies, they gave us an album perfect for your get-a-way vacation. In contrast to their previous album and their release from Queendom 2, “THE GIRLS (Can’t turn me down),” it’s a breath of fresh air to see bright summery concept styles return this season. There’s nowhere we would rather be than enjoying a tropical vacation listening to Kep1er’s sweet voyage. 

DOUBLAST is available for streaming on multiple streaming services like Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Music, and Apple Music. For more from Kep1er, make sure to follow them on their social media channels: Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok

“Up!” TITLE SCORE: 8/10

“Up!” MV SCORE: 9/10



Edited by Rachel Collucci