A.C.E Is Back With New Release, My Girl : “My Choice”

The return of A.C.E is one that many have been waiting on. With their last album being in 2021, the announcement of this release had us all on our feet. My Girl : “My Choice” is a lighthearted album with seven upbeat tracks that bring a smile to your face. 

My Girl: “My Choice” Tracklist: 

  1. “Effortless” 

  2. “My Girl” (Title track) 

  3. “Angel” 

  4. “Facetime” 

  5. “Effortless (Eng ver.)”

  6. “My Girl (Eng ver.)” 

  7. “Angel (Eng ver.)”

“My Girl” is what many would describe as a go-lucky, lighthearted, upbeat dance track. In the video, we see the members going through it at work. They are drowning in work, being yelled at, and not having the best time at work. As the video progresses, we finally see the members free, happy, and smiling from ear to ear. The bright and colorful ending will make any viewer feel the joy radiating through the screen. The song is beautiful as well. In both Korean and English, the members talk about the love they have for their girl. They talk about how they would go through anything and do anything for their girl. Even though the beginning of the video might not show it, the song is cheerful and lively. It’s a track to dance around your room to. 

The B-sides on the album continue the cheerful energy we got from the title track. “Effortless” is a track that carries such strong title track energy. Being released three months before, the prerelease gave us a look into the new release. The video showcases the members' beauty, and the vocals are striking and soulful. This track has both a Korean and English version, and in both, we understand the members' admiration for their significant other. 

“Angel” is another track that has a Korean and English version and was also released three months before the album release. “Angel” is a beautiful ballad that brings a tear to any listener's eyes. This heartfelt track is met with a black-and-white lyric video showcasing the members on stage performing the track. The song is just absolutely stunning. 

The last track is “Facetime.” This groovy, animated track makes you feel like you are on the beach. The catchy beat will make you sway your hips and move your head. The rap is addictive and flows smoothly. It’s a fun way to end the album and a track I can see many dancing along to. 

It is a joy to see A.C.E again. Since their last release, many of us have been waiting for the day they release a new album. My Girl : “My Choice” is a happy confession and story of love and is an album many will enjoy.

Edited by Vivian N.