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Virtually Experience The Soothing Air of Jeju with Hyori’s Bed & Breakfast

It’s that time of year again where our responsibilities have come knocking at the door, and for those of us who have unfortunately graduated, well, they’re always knocking. And when that happens, the best solution is always procrastination, which is basically just a fancy name for the bit of time we take out of our lives to log off our busy schedules and ignore our stress-filled days in exchange for relaxation and rejuvenation. In fact, it feels like now more than ever we do need a bit of time to check out of our daily rut. But what about when life doesn’t actually give you that sort of leeway to go off on a long holiday? Well, boy do we have the perfect answer for that. Enter Hyori’s Bed & Breakfast, a show causing ripples in the variety scene with its interesting, soothing concept.

These days it can get quite overwhelming with shows jam-packed with content trying appeal to a mass audience. Rarely do you get a show that is intentionally stripped back to allow viewers to take a bit of a breather. Going completely against the wave of having a main host and a clear stream or flow, Hyori’s Bed & Breakfast doesn’t seem to have any particular aim or goal, documenting instead the concept of just being in the moment… something that we most definitely need in our lives. The slow pace helps bring out the zen factor of the program, not to mention that the location of the home on the beautiful island of Jeju definitely helps, too.

Iconic pop star Lee Hyori finally made her comeback on television by opening up her beautiful home as a bed and breakfast to a slew of non-celebrity guests. Along with her husband Lee Sangsoon, guitarist of band Roller Coaster, and support from part-time celebrity helpers, the “Nation’s Fairy” handles just about everything, from cooking to cleaning and organizing fun activities. Essentially, the premise of the show involves the couple opening up their home to the public for a certain period of time. After having their applications discussed and accepted, a number of guests stream into the home over the following days, the catch being the couple won’t know how many people they will have to host until the day of their arrival itself. From bright siblings, childhood friends, and an elderly couple, to twins with an autistic brother, the guest list is diverse.

Despite the concept being completely new, the first episode really does pull you in. The show beautifully depicts the carefree personality of Hyori (a complete 180 from her strong stage image), the gentleness of Sangsoon, and, of course, the dynamics between the couple and their part-time helpers. The first season blessed us with the clumsy, friendly charm of IU, who stepped away from the idol light and back into her shoes as Lee Jieun. From the moment she steps foot into the house, it's clear that she’s a perfect fit for the calm vibe of the show. Building a sisterly relationship with Hyori and establishing her own introverted, serene presence, IU brings in the missing piece to the puzzle. Not to mention it's also quite heartwarming to see an idol on top of her game being able to drop all of that burden to interact with people her own age.

The second season, while still retaining a lot of its original value, brings forth a new ambience with the addition of Yoona as a helper. Yoona’s personality is quite different from that of IU’s, so she brings more of a bubbly spin to the show. But, as expected from an idol of 10 years, she’s quite refined and in tune with the general atmosphere of the house. With a surprise appearance from the ever-so-welcomed Park Bogum, the show delivered its fair share of warmth and happiness during the cold winter months.

Filled with yoga mornings, natural banter from the couple, and genuine interactions with a range of guests, the show is so utterly realistic and just plain wholesome. Factor in the snippets of her adorable rescue animals and it’s guaranteed to leave you with a full heart and a smile on your face. So if you’d like to transport yourself to a place with calm, ocean air and a relaxing bed and breakfast from the comfort of your own home, all you need to do is press play.