The Kraze

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Fan Superstitions in K-Pop

We all have interesting things we do when it comes to K-Pop. Whether it’s how we purchase our albums or the preparation for the fight that is ticket sales, we all have those little things we believe will bring good luck. These little things are the superstitions that keep us hooked. Check out a few of the superstitions fans shared with Kraze Magazine below!

What’s a Superstition?

According to Webster's dictionary, a superstition is “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.” This is an intense definition, so for our purposes, we can condense this definition into simply “actions or things done to ensure good luck.”

Album Superstitions

Who can touch your album before you open it? How do you open it? Do you pick from the middle of the stack or the bottom? Does it have to have a certain barcode number? As international fans, we really do not have a lot of opportunities to hand pick the perfect album; however, when we do get the opportunity, many of us have specific ways of choosing the album.

One superstition a fan shared with us was that she could not pick her album if she wanted to pull her bias’s photocard. In fact, her sister would have to pick her album, and she would have to pick her sister’s album, or else they would never pull their biases. This type of superstition is common among K-Pop fans. When I purchase my albums in store, I often have to pull from the middle of the stack to give myself the best chance at pulling my bias’s photocard.

Another album superstition that I share with others is having to open my album upside down with the cover facing the ground. I also have to look at my photocard upside down first. It might seem crazy, but eight times out of ten, I pull my bias’s photocard.


Some fans will chant their idol’s name when preparing to purchase tickets, before taking exams, or even just when they need a little boost of luck. One habit specifically brought to The Kraze’s attention is that Shawols will chant “Lee Taemin, Lee Taemin, Lee Taemin,” before these activities. A member of the Kraze family confirmed that she too does this, and often things will play out in her favor. This may be a superstition that I will adopt, as I can always use a little more luck.  

Final Thoughts

Some people think superstitions are silly, but to others, it’s the thing that keeps the magic of fandom alive. What superstitions did we miss? What superstitions do you relate to? Tweet us at @KrazeMagazine and share your thoughts about K-Pop fan superstitions.