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Meet DEMIAN: K-pop’s Rising Singer-Songwriter

Since his debut in early 2020, DEMIAN has been building his empire releasing dreamy, self-written bops about love and life. After getting signed to Sony Music Entertainment Korea, DEMIAN started officially pursuing his career in music while continuing to earn his college degree. Before then, fans got to know him through songs he released on SoundCloud. So far, he’s released two official songs, his debut “Cassette” and the more recent “KARMA.” His music has earned millions of streams on Spotify and earned him spots on playlists like “K-pop Rising” and “RADAR Korea” alongside big names in the industry. From pleasing visuals to delicate vocals, fans can’t get enough of his charms.

Truth is, there’s no one quite like DEMIAN in the K-Pop industry. Everything from his unique and honest approach to lyricism, sonic experimentation, and poignant aesthetics point to a new wave of unprecedented talent. With this much star power from just two singles, the future's looking bright for DEMIAN. Beyond that, the extra effort he makes to connect to his fan base makes it hard not to love him. Whether it be through YouTube videos or live streams on Instagram, he constantly finds ways to communicate with fans around the world, which is why we decided to reach out to him to get to know more about his unique journey as an artist and provide you with everything you need to know to add him to your stan list.

For those unfamiliar with your work, could you introduce yourself to our readers?

Ø  Hello this is DEMIAN, and I’m a singer-songwriter. I debuted on March 11th with my debut single ‘Cassette’ and recently released the next single “KARMA.” I make pop music! Nice to meet you.

You followed up your debut single “Cassette” with the well received “KARMA.” is there a connection between the two? If so, How are they connected?

Ø  There definitely is a connection between “Cassette” and “KARMA” as both tracks describe moments after break-ups. While “Cassette” describes [a break up] in rather a beautiful way, “KARMA” describes that painful moment based on the sense of losing someone. I tried to deliver mixed emotions from two different situations through usage of colors.

How do you think your music video for “KARMA” connects to the song?

Ø  The purpose of “KARMA” music video was to make the mood of the song stand out even more, instead of delivering every single message in the lyrics. I think the music video connects to the song very well as I wanted to express the feeling of being spiteful silently, yet strongly.

What do the songs you released on SoundCloud prior to debuting say about your growth?

Ø  Releasing songs on SoundCloud was a process of finding my own diction and tone. I used SoundCloud as the medium to record and achieve what I find most successful during this time of process like taking pictures. While I’m aware that I must keep musical consistency as DEMIAN, my SoundCloud days still have a huge impact on my music and I’m more than willing to bring that style back if I may feel the need to do so in the future.

How has being in college while pursuing your career affected your artistic process?

Ø  If I solely pursued a music career from the beginning, I wouldn’t have been so grateful. I think starting my music career while still being in college had a lot of impact on my career and it will continue to do so even after I graduate. People who chose to work in the fields that they did not major in, or even fields that they do not like, still work hard and strive in order to survive. I’m just grateful that I was lucky for things to work out and also that I chose to pursue this music career.

What has been the most motivating factor behind your success?

Ø  I’m not sure if I have achieved success yet, but making music is what I truly enjoy the most. I think the most motivating factor has a lot to do with the anticipation of finding that moment where everything such as lyrics, melody, codes, etc. falls into place perfectly.

What do you like most about being a singer-songwriter? How do you hope to develop as an artist?

Ø  That I get to decide whether I will use the track or not before anybody else? Lol. I know things don’t always go as expected, so I try not to set specific goals or intentions. I think it will naturally become more specific once I get to interact with more fans. I just hope my songs will reach out to more listeners.

What inspires your songwriting?

Ø  Recently, I’ve been getting inspired by the feeling that does not get understood – feelings that strangers would find unfamiliar when described in words, can become pretty convincingly portrayed in music. I also get to have three minutes or so to convince the listeners.

Fans love your chill sound so far, what can fans expect from you in the future?

Ø  There will be [a] fixed boundary and directionality as I write all of my songs myself. With that being said, I hope to deliver every emotion in my boundary from joy to anger.

What musical styles do you take the most inspiration from? Who are some musicians you look up to?

Ø  I enjoy listening to the Billboard Chart. Since I’m a singer, I usually enjoy melodic songs more than rap songs. It’s really hard to pick one from Frank Ocean, The Weeknd, Disclosure, Calvin Harris, and Harry Styles because they are all really talented.

Out of all your released music, both official and unofficial, which song is your favorite? Why?

Ø  It’s really hard for me to pick one because there are songs that I especially sympathize with depending on how I feel that day. But I would say ‘Romaine!’ from my SoundCloud definitely makes me feel somewhat sorry and relieved at the same time as I wrote that song when I was seriously considering to quit making music.

What would you like fans to gain from listening to your music?

Ø  A broader understanding of one person. I believe that my fans would want to understand me better because of the affection they have for me. I hope that will lead to the willingness to understand people around them while remembering that love is the secret ingredient for understanding and forgiveness. That is the only way I know how to make the lives of people who love me happier.

 How does it feel to have fans and supporters from all over the world?

Ø  Grateful and amazing. It makes me happy just to think about how they have come to find me, with whom they are talking about me, and whether they are listening to my songs with their family members.

Over a million people have watched your music videos and streamed your songs on Spotify. Are you surprised at the reception to your music? How does it feel to have your songs listed alongside other big names in the industry?

Ø  It feels amazing to see my name alongside those big names. It makes me wonder if they ever listened to my songs by any chance.

What are your career goals going forward?

Ø  Releasing as many albums as possible and meeting my fans as often as possible.

Do you have any advice for those who are passionate about music and wanting to pursue a career in it?

Ø  I would say knowing how to wait and having self-objectivity. [The] Process of finding out if you’re talented enough, if you lived the day to the fullest, if you can wait a bit longer, how you could make this joyful music career last longer, etc. I hope you get your opportunities when they are prepared.

DEMIAN’s sincerity is a breath of fresh air, so look out for new content from him and make sure to keep up so you don’t miss out. We promise you won’t regret it.

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