November Community Highlight: Kyomica27!

We are getting closer and closer to the end of the year, and The Kraze is highlighting another talented individual in the Hallyu community! This November we are recognizing Ky (better known as Kyomica27)! Ky is based out of Canada and currently has over 116,000 subscribers. We had the opportunity to sit down and get to know her and her channel a little better!

Q: When did you get started on YouTube?

Ky: I got started almost six years ago. This coming January will be my six-year anniversary.

Q: What made you decide to start making videos on YouTube?

K: It started off randomly. I got influenced by my friend, who is also a YouTuber. She does a lot of cosplay. Back then, she got popular and started doing J-Pop dance covers, and I thought that was fun. I tried to do that, too, because I was so ambitious and thought “I can do that!” So that’s how I basically started my channel.

Q3: How long have you been dancing?

K: I’ve been dancing since grade six or seven, so [starting] around middle school. Now I’m in university. So I guess, two-three years before I started my channel, which is almost 10 years [total]! But I only really got into dancing when I started my channel.  

Q4: What is the hardest thing about being a YouTuber (specifically a dance cover YouTuber)?

K: The hardest thing is [getting] the shots right, [and doing] the choreography right when you’re actually filming the dances. Personally, I find when I’m practicing, I got it, but when I’m in front of the camera sometimes I get nervous. When it’s a really long take, you just start worrying and then you screw up the moves. I don’t really worry too much about editing because I love editing videos. Sometimes, even before I finish a cover, I’m really excited about editing. I worry about filming for the most part because sometimes the weather, the lighting, and all the technical stuff might go wrong. It’s just not getting the dance moves right for certain takes. It is a process.

Q5: How long does it take you to get choreography fully learned and ready for a video?

K: For me, I pick up choreography pretty fast. I usually take about an hour or two to learn [dances]. I take half an hour to an hour to put [everything] together (because I do short film versions of the songs I’m covering), like a mirrored dance video and a shorter mix. Then I take another two hours to polish the dance before giving it three to four days of practice for half an hour to an hour each day before actually filming.

Q6: What is a typical filming day like for your dance covers?

K: It depends on how committed I am to the video. Now I do parodies as well, and those tend to take less time to film, but more time to edit. So it really depends on what kind of videos I make. If it’s a formal cover, like the most recent one I did for ASTRO, a lot depends on the location. I give myself two hours at one location and two hours at another location. So overall, around four hours or less for filming. It depends on how good the shots and the weather are. Usually, I try to film and edit within the same day and release it the next day. Filming is usually not a full day event, but I do try to keep everything organized to [fit in] one day.

Q7: What choreography is harder? Girl groups or boy groups?

K: GIRL GROUPS! There is a reason why I still struggle with my parody dances! It’s also the reason why I started my parody videos. I’ve always struggled with girl group dances, even though people think I don’t.

Q8: Favorite dance cover you’ve done thus far?

K: My SHINee “1 of 1” cover from last year!

Q9: Any advice for those who are pursuing dance and starting out on YouTube?

K: Learn from other people and don’t think that you’re the best all the time. Commit time to actually practicing. Practice definitely makes you better. Test out different waters, too, to get a sense of what kind of style you really like and what style you’re good at. It’s actually pretty fun when you try something new once in awhile. It definitely shows that you can do a variety of styles. Also, try to be unique, even though it’s hard nowadays because there are so many YouTubers and so many different content creators online. You can get inspiration from a lot of other YouTubers, so try to watch a lot of other channels and learn from them bit by bit so when you start your YouTube channel, you actually kind of know what you want to do and the direction you want your channel to go. It’s okay if people don’t know what they want to do, but it’s [always] better to get a sense of what you want.

Q10: Any plans you can share with readers/followers for the next few months/in 2018?

K: Lots of dance videos! But also maybe more vlogs. I’m not too sure. I’m trying to put out more dance art concept videos. There might be one collaboration happening soon. I haven’t started practicing yet, but it’s [definitely] in the planning phase.

A very special and big thank you to Ky for taking the time to sit down and talk with The Kraze! Make sure to subscribe to Ky’s channel and follow her on all her social media to stay up to date!