Dancing High Spotlights Remarkable and Passionate Teen Dancers

Recall the number of times you’ve witnessed someone dancing as you scrolled down on Instagram, browsed through YouTube, or watched a TV show. Too many to count, right?

Whether or not you have noticed, dance has always been present in our lives through many ways. A conceptual method for unlimited expression, this form of art, evolving over time, is definitely different from what it was a century ago.

A new generation of dancers is on their way, leading and introducing us to their own unique styles of dance. Through busking, social media posts, and live performances alike, these means of spreading the word about dance allow performers of all ages to create an opportunity for later generations to continue the legacy of dance.

Dancing High, a show planned for that very reason, aired from September 7 to October 27 this year. Featuring famous K-Pop stars and globally respected choreographers as well as talented dancers, it would be a waste to miss out on them! So, aren’t you curious about the potential dancing leaders of our time? Let’s find out some information on the influential individuals in line to ride the Hallyu Wave.

Intro To Dancing High

A program created exclusively for teens, Dancing High is the ultimate program for aspiring dancers following the legendary Hit the Stage and Dancing Nine (check those out if you haven’t already!). Implementing a broad range of dance styles, it’s possible to view choregraphies in the genres of Contemporary, Hip-Hop, Urban, and more—just name it!

Dancers from all over South Korea made their appearance on the show with the goal of improving their skills through competition and connecting with others. Through this platform, many teens have been able to present themselves on a global scale, gathering popularity and fame for qualities they possess as dancers.

After the first episode, 35 passionate individuals passed the audition to participate in live stages. The young participants then made up teams under the following coaches: Lia Kim, Just Jerk, Hoya, Lee Gikwang, and Lee Seunghoon.

Each respective team started out with seven members. The inevitable results of the competition resulted in the elimination of members from the team that placed last. Despite the heartbreaking departure of fellow team members, the remaining individuals strived to win the trophy—the ultimate opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience of dance by studying abroad in Los Angeles.

Under their respective coaches, the group of teens built new connections which they have never been able to experience previously. Sharing their personal stories, the contestants created bonds of trust with one another, now linked with inseparable bonds of friendship. With the continuous growth of strong collaborative teamwork, every stage exceeded the audience’s expectations.

Explore the Teams

From Contemporary to Hip-Hop, there’s not a single genre that’s not covered. Although every dancer first presented themselves with a specific dance style, the group performances allowed for a combination of all genres into one stage. Let’s take a look at the five different teams that filled us with sorrow, laughter, and awe throughout the two months of the broadcast.

First up is Dancing High’s official Avengers team: Team Lia Kim. Consisting of individuals with divergent dance styles, Lia Kim’s advice allowed the group to experiment with diverse ways of subtly emphasizing key dances through smooth movements. Attempting astonishing concepts, Team Lia Kim always managed to adapt the choreography as their own, fully presenting their capabilities.

Just Jerk’s team was beyond incredible; the coach is known for synchronized movement, and the team’s hardcore practice sessions came into play with their uniform synchronization during their live performances, even earning them the nickname “Just Jerk Juniors.” Never showcasing a disappointing stage, the group did not face the tragedy of losing a member as they remained at an impressively high ranking from start to finish.

Team Hoya was a group of amazing dancers. Hoya was full of passion for dance and never ceased in his motivation to help out his team. The group of teens were driven to practice and repay their coach for his hardworking antics. In response to the group’s diligence shining through repeated meets from night to morning, Team Hoya crafted a series of unforgettable performances.

Lee Gikwang’s team was coincidentally made up of dancers all 19 years old. Working with fellow friends who only have a few months until their entry into the “adult” world, Team Lee Gikwang produced performances with emotions from a different perspective, clearly setting them apart from the other four groups and showing off a mature vibe.

Last but not least, many prominent dancers made up Team Lee Seunghoon. Spreading their positivity and keeping the team uplifted, Lee Seunghoon’s group performed sensational dances. Their unforgettable facial expressions and strong energy were significant in building up the team’s identity, becoming the team’s strong points and forming a meaningful but enjoyable stage.

Viewing all of these phenomenal dancers on one show was an amazing experience. It’s a wonder to see how the dancers will continue to pursue their dream. Regardless of what path the participants will take, Dancing High was indeed a great starting point to showcase every dancer’s potential.