WINNER Wants You to Know “You Got Millions”

WINNER brought the warm summer vibes to the freezing winter with their new track “MILLIONS.” The song’s beginning moments feature a wonderful rhythmic beat reminiscent of their late spring hit “Everyday.” The song begins with Yoon’s vocals then flows into Minho’s pointed rap verse, then Jinu sings the verse that brings listeners to the chorus that is passed between the members, while verse two is where Hoony’s rap shines. The song’s structure makes it a song that is forever stuck in your head, especially the chorus which sings, “You got millions.” I found myself humming the chorus at the strangest moments of the day.

The video itself is full of color, each set more vibrant than the next. The members themselves also sport colorful outfits and in the cases of Minho and Hoony, even colorful hair. The dance break takes place in a room with fluttering colored petals set against a black backdrop with a large colorful tree. Other sets include a hotel hallway contrasting with white, blue, and yellow, and a magenta set with carved pillars.

Overall, “Millions” is a track I have come to expect out of WINNER, and if this is any indication of the caliber of music we are going to receive from their new album, I can’t help but be excited.

Check Out “Millions” below.