MONSTA X Burns With “Jealousy”

Starship Entertainment’s versatile boy group MONSTA X is back after their first music show win, much to the delight of monbebes. “Jealousy” is an intense hip-hop and pop fusion track that you’d expect from the group. The concept is fresh and sexy, coupled with some awesome and snappy choreography.

Black with Envy

From the moment the video teaser dropped, everyone knew that the concept of “Jealousy” was going to be killer. If there is one thing MONSTA X is endlessly talented at, it’s the execution of emotionally intense hip-hop concepts that the group is known for. One of the reasons I am so fond of MONSTA X releases is that I really enjoy the dark and intense style they always come back with.

“Jealousy” differs from “Dramarama” quite a bit, both in musical style and overall feeling. This song is more reminiscent of “Fighter.” Kihyun’s chorus of “yeah”s are guaranteed to get stuck in your head after one listen, but arguably, the best part of the song involves the intense whispers that send chills down your spine. The dark undertones that go along with the theme of jealousy are particularly alluring as well. We love a well-executed sexy concept.

The music video is about as dark as you’d expect with a concept all about envy. Muted colors complemented by cool color tints in the light. The boys are dressed in all black outfits with open collars, giving off a powerful vibe that goes along well with the choreography. The choreography is incredibly sharp and forceful, which is almost enchanting to watch. The video definitely complements the song overall and makes it that much better.

The Connect: Dejavu brings the sound you would expect from MONSTA X. The music seems like a continuation of their previous release, The Code, almost as if it’s an extension of the previous album. Whether or not this can be considered a good thing is dependent on your opinion of musical versatility. The Connect: Dejavu has seven new tracks that bounce between MONSTA X’s signature fierce sound to softer ballads. “Destroyer” is by far my favorite B-side on the album, as it brings a feeling of sorrow and melancholy to a powerful song. It’s the perfect mix of ballad and intensity.

All in all, this new release from the group is on par with what you would expect from MONSTA X. The boys have generally stuck to this type of aesthetic and musicality since debut, which on one hand is always reliable, but to some it can be annoyingly repetitive. Still, I’m a big fan of the concepts MONSTA X has been aiming for, even if they rarely stray from it. The group has certainly proved that they have the vocal, rapping, and performance talent necessary to make it in this industry.