Park Bom is Reborn in Time for “Spring”

In the face of the tumultuous state of the K-Pop industry, Park Bom rises as a bright force of life with her triumphant return to music. With perfect timing, the singer released her first song in eight years, “Spring,” featuring a mini 2NE1 reunion with Sandara Park. The single and its two B-sides embody the fresh ambience of spring—appropriate for what is a heartwarming return for the mistreated vocalist.

“Spring” is a certified tearjerker for anyone who is a fan of the girl group, or just loves when good karma comes to those who deserve it. It’s only fitting that the title track tackles the feelings Park Bom must’ve felt when dealing with the disbandment of her group as well as the public’s vendetta against her. The powerful ballad, which is recognizably gospel-inspired, desperately searches for solace in spring’s return in order to escape the frigid depression that has lingered for a while. The Sandara feature gifts fans a glimpse of what a 2NE1 reunion could sound like, the women turning everything they’ve had to go through into the compelling music fans have missed so much.

In the music video, Bom stuns in her white gown—an angel surrounded by luscious foliage and crowned center stage by her backup dancers. In the bridge, Bom dramatically switches to an all-black number surrounded by a cloaked choir, as if to grieve the death of her sadness. She then breaks into the chorus, but this time with the positive assurance that spring will come and finally reach her open heart. Sandara’s verse brings the gritty determination that prevents the song from becoming too preachy. It’s an impressive return to Sandara’s roots and adds another dimension to the track.

The two B-sides also capture Bom’s growth, expressed through her stable distinct tone. “My Lover” is the quintessential pop song about the occasional curiosity of a past lover’s current whereabouts. Despite tackling loneliness and the uncertainty of new love, the uplifting melody can’t help but to make you feel strong with the hope that there will be a new day. “Shameful” taps into Bom’s electropop side. Shackles are lifted in this liberating anthem. For a long time, this person (or company) was embarrassed by her, but now she’s surpassed the suffering and wishes to be free.

With all three songs charting on South Korean music charts, Park Bom should be able to see her hard work has paid off. Fans have waited years to see and hear her again, and this strong comeback fills the hearts off second generation K-Pop fans while introducing new ones to Bom’s artistry. We can only hope that we won’t have to wait another eight years for new music.