Exclusive: M.O.N.T.’s Quick Thoughts on the U.S.

While on their latest world tour, The Kraze took a few minutes to sit down with M.O.N.T. before their show in New York to talk a little bit about their experiences so far in the U.S. Below is the audio clip and transcribed interview for all MINTs to enjoy!

Q: What do you guys think of the cities you’ve visited here in the U.S. so far?

A: The first time in America we [visited] L.A [and] saw Hollywood, that was so cool!

A: A dream come true.

A: And Dallas, very comfortable.

A: Atlanta too, it makes us feel warm inside.

A: [they said] A lot of rappers came from Atlanta so they feel like they got a lot of influence from them.

Q: Where would you like to visit in your free time in the cities you’ve been?

A: All of the places just [to] visit, not perform.

A: I want to go to Washington because we didn’t go [yet.]

A: Do the exact same tour [of cities] but just for fun.

Q: Are there any cities that you guys would like to visit?

A: Seattle!

A: San Francisco too!

A: We hope to go to San Francisco, Seattle, [and] Washington.

Q: How has the crowd been so far in the U.S.?

A: Amazing!

A: They’re so passionate, so energetic, more than us.

A: They really love K-Pop.