B-Sides: Intro Special

Often times, intros in albums tend to get overlooked because of how short they are. On this week’s B-sides, we’re highlighting some of the best intros K-Pop has to offer.

“Complete” - BTOB

BTOB is a group known for their vocal prowess and ballad mastery, but “Complete” is the polar opposite of that genre. The track has a groovy backing rhythm, complete with acapella melodies and a pleasing harmonization of the group’s name throughout. It’s different from BTOB’s usual M.O., but that’s exactly what makes it stand out amongst the group’s other releases.

“Le Noir” - B.A.P

One of my favorite intros of all time is B.A.P’s smooth jazz intro, “Le Noir.” The track features the soothing vocals of Jongup and the deep-voiced rap of Yongguk, a perfect mix to fit along with the melancholy jazz melody. This coffee shop-esque track is enchanting and haunting at the same time, and so different from anything released in K-Pop that it’s hard not to be totally mesmerized and disappointed that it only lasts two and a half minutes.

“Never Mind” - BTS

My other favorite intro of all time is BTS’s “Never Mind,” a creation of musical genius SUGA. The intense rap track is full of emotion from the start, with SUGA’s personal struggles sprinkled throughout the lyrics. The powerful telling of his story is inspiring and pairs up perfectly with his fierce rapping style, coming together to make the encouraging track.

“詩 ; 00:00” - SF9

SF9 isn’t often a group that produces intro tracks on their albums, but Knights of the Sun changed that. “詩 ; 00:00,” also known as “Poem,” is a soft and enchanting rap track that begins with Chani’s pleasing deep voice before launching into the main event. There’s a sense of longing in the slower tempo R&B melody that is simply captivating. You can hear a new side of the rap line Youngbin, Hwiyoung, and Zuho in this track.

“Neo Got My Back” - NCT U

Falling along the lines of last week’s “Out of this World” theme, NCT U’s “Neo Got My Back” fits both into that category as well as into intros. The unique melody is what really makes this track stand out, even to the point that the melody is slightly haunting. The repeated lyrics get stuck in your head in an instant, and even if the melody is quite eccentric, it’s simply addicting.