TEEN TOP Chooses To “Run Away” in New MV

TEEN TOP has returned with another unique album. Their ninth mini-album, titled DEAR. N9NE, evokes styles of the ‘80s and ‘90s and includes a variety of tracks to showcase each member’s musical abilities.

The title track, “Run Away,” is an upbeat song with a variety of tropical house beats that’s perfect for people who want to escape their worries and follow their own paths. In the music video, the group is seen in colorful settings while longing to be free of their troubles. The members are seen grooving and dancing especially during the chorus and C.A.P’s rap solo.

“Your Man” is an upbeat track that gives off jazz and ‘80s vibes. While listening to the track, listeners will definitely get up and dance along with the catchy song. The next track, “Swag” is a ‘90s funk track that has distinct guitar riffs to go perfectly with the members’ vocals. “What Do You Think” is a soft EDM track that is perfect for partying or just getting hyped for the day. The track has the same idea as the title track in that the members sing of wanting to run away with their loved ones to be alone with them.

The album begins to slow down with the beautiful acoustic track, “비 그친 밤 (That Night).” Just like the name of the track, it is perfect to listen to on a rainy night. The album comes to an end with “Happy Ending,” a song that starts off with a beautiful piano solo. The track is clearly for fans who have stayed with TEEN TOP since their debut. TEEN TOP has shown all their sides to their fans and clearly hope that they will continue to be faithful to them. Check out TEEN TOP’s new album along with their past songs!