VERIVERY Flips the Script in “Lay Back”

Rookie group VERIVERY has created somewhat of a predictable comeback concept for themselves since their debut. Masters of the cute 90s boy band concept, it seemed logical that they would return back to that for this latest comeback. However, the boys instead come with a very different vibe, showcasing a new side to these talented rookies.

“Lay Back”

I’ll admit, I had certain expectations going into my first listen of this title track. Ever since their entrance into the K-Pop world with “Ring Ring Ring,” I had come to expect the Backstreet Boys vibe from the boys, so to say “Lay Back” took me by surprise is an understatement. The song begins off much more muted than the group’s previous releases, focusing on a melodic buildup rather than hitting you all at once. Each member’s verse builds up the anticipation until the drop in the chorus, which hits a certain way. It’s groovy, subdued, and “laid back,” if you will. It’s very new for this group, but definitely a welcome change. The addictive beat will surely get you moving whether or not you’re aware of it, the infectious groove absolutely impossible to deny. The rap verses fit in very well with the modern pop beat and have the badass hip-hop feel that wouldn’t normally be associated with this group, adding a new dimension to them as a whole. Overall, I think that “Lay Back” is their strongest release yet, and I’m not the only one considering they’ve already broken 1 million views (when their title only made it to 3.4 million). 

The visuals are what present the most striking contrast between past and present for this group, highlighted immediately by kicking off with Kangmin standing in an abandoned building with a blindfold over his eyes. The atmosphere this portrays is particularly dark, which is only highlighted by scenes of Minchan being chased through a dimly lit hallway and Gyeheon in a practice room with barely any natural light. A prominent theme used through the video is the members facing a different version of themselves, what could be called a mirror image minus the mirror. The result is a stunning number of boys performing choreography at once, an effect that is truly unique and equally as beautiful. The use of muted colors and darker scenes overall is a stark contrast to their usual cute concepts, but it is extremely refreshing. This is an incredibly strong return for the rookies.

The Album 

Mini-album FACE ME features five new tracks in total, kicking off the album with “PHOTO.” If you thought “Lay Back” gave you whiplash, you’re definitely not ready for how you’ll react to “PHOTO.” The first track on the album begins with a hip-hop beat overlayed by whispering before jumping right into a rap verse, a total contrast to the cute 90s boys we’ve all come to know up to this point. The heavy hip-hop influences coupled with some eclectic accidentals make for a very surprising, yet intriguing opening.

Title track comes next, then is followed by “Paradise,” a much more traditional, bright pop track. It’s a reminder that the boys we are familiar with are still there along with this new side to them. That trend continues with “Curtain Call,” a faster tempo pop-EDM track with a bright demeanor that sharply contrasts the beginning of the album. Rounding out FACE ME is “Moment,” a thoughtful and warm acoustic track meant to highlight the vocals of the members. All of these songs together is quite a wild ride, kicking off with intense hip-hop and ending on the softest sound possible. 

FACE ME does a very good job of showcasing a wider variety of musical genres that this group is capable of tackling better than anything they have before. I quite enjoy the shift in their concept focus and I think it will help them break further into the mainstream K-Pop world. If you’re not familiar with VERIVERY thus far, it’s about time to check them out!