Pump It Up with Gol-Cha!

Pulling from their earlier days as fresh-faced rookies, Golden Child is back with their second single album Pump It Up! Their new title track “Pump It Up” is chock full of the youthful, feel-good vibes that Golden Child has mastered from their debut.

From the get-go, the boys of Golden Child have had a naturally playful charisma about them; this can be seen in earlier releases like “DamDaDi” and “Let Me.” In more recent eras, Golden Child has adopted a darker image, with songs like “WANNABE,” “Without You,” and their most recent title “ONE (Lucid Dream)” showing the boys in a more polished, mature—and admittedly more alluring—light. With these songs, Golden Child has proven they are anything but a one-trick pony, but “Pump It Up” serves as a joyful reminder that they’ve still got the funky fresh concept on lock.

“Pump It Up” is a classically bright pop track that rides on the energy from the members themselves. The funky guitar keeps the energy high throughout the track, though much of the song’s charm comes from the music video. Dressing as everything from captains to office workers to actors, the boys inject fun into everyday parts of life as they sing about the euphoric feelings of seeing one's crush. On top of allowing Golden Child’s top-notch comedic efforts to shine, the music video for “Pump It Up” showcases the group’s impressively synchronized choreography. One thing’s for sure, the live performances of “Pump It Up” will serve as a bright spot amidst this month’s plethora of promotions.

The album also contains two other tracks, “That Guy” and “Lean On Me.” “That Guy” takes the ballad route: it’s a somber song with more focus on the vocals than anything. “Lean On Me,” however, brings back the energy tenfold with its high-spirited dance beats and running synths.

As we leave the summer months and head into the chillier end of the year, it’s nice to have the exuberant hands of Golden Child to guide us into autumn.

Check out the unbelievably, unapologetically fun music video for “Pump It Up” below.