LUCY Gets Whimsical in Second Single Album, Snooze

Rookie band LUCY has returned with another single! Titled 선잠 (Snooze), this newest single reflects youthfulness and freedom. LUCY brings a total of two brand new songs to the mix, “선잠 (Snooze)” (titled the same as the single) and “Farther and Farther.” 

During this season of releases, many are used to seeing much more darker and somber releases, but “Snooze” is the perfect song to switch things up and give the fall season a much more refreshing feel. Sometimes, all many want to do is press the snooze button on the alarm clock and sleep in a little longer. “Snooze” gives that feeling of entering into the dreamland and  being free. Dreams offer a space for anyone to be whoever they want to be or feel like they are a child again. “Snooze” reflects on how one can grow up too fast but when it’s time for bed and to go asleep, LUCY emphasizes that it’s okay to let go and keep that youthful and childlike innocence. “Snooze” is catchy and soothing; it’s the type of song that can be found in a Final Fantasy game or slice of life type of anime.

The music video for “Snooze” showcases all four members of the band stuck doing mundane things, but once they begin to pick up their respective instruments, they become more alive. With their instruments in hand, they begin to feel more free and lose themselves to the music. Taking place in a small town by the ocean, it gives off this sense of peace and serenity that is so relaxing during this time of the year. Although the music video is rather simple, the scenery is what enhances it further aside from the LUCY members themselves. 

Although freshly debuted earlier this year, LUCY has begun building a library of releases that no one should pass up on. This newest single is bright, refreshing, and catchy. Get ready to get lost in the fantasy that LUCY illustrates in their music and lyrics, especially with this latest single.