BOL4 and BAEKHYUN’s “Leo” Offers a Lovely Spring Duet

BOL4 previewed her upcoming album with the springtime duet “Leo,” featuring EXO’s Baekhyun.

In Korean, “Leo” is literally titled “The Butterfly and the Cat,” which is very fitting for the artists on the song. It’s a classic spring-themed track with a jazzy piano and easy-going melody. BOL4’s airy tone personifies spring and Baekhyun’s deeper but soulful voice offers a contrast that adds layers to the track.

BOL4’s Jiyoung may be more of a butterfly in real life, but in the music video, she embodies the curiosity of a cat, finding joy in the simplicity of the things around her. There is abundant imagery of butterflies and floral prints that adds to the lovely earthy tone of the video. Surrounded by tubes of yarn, it’s almost as if she’s looking for ways to pass time waiting for her owner to come home. However, she follows a delicate butterfly out of her window and into the hazy spring day—emphasis on haze due to the extensive use of the bokeh effect to blur what’s out of focus. When she’s on the verge of finally catching the white butterfly—which could’ve been the perfect place to have a “purple butterfly,” like in the song’s lyrics—it gently flies away. But Jiyoung is not discouraged; instead, she spreads her arms as if she’s flying away too, relishing in the freedom of the vast blue sky around her.

The butterfly imagery continues in the lyrics. Literally, the duo gently encourages a little purple butterfly to stay a little longer, because it’s so sweet and delicate to look at. But the song can be dedicated to anyone who is experiencing a budding romance and the innocent excitement of being around each other. Springtime is the prime time for new life and a new love to begin sprouting. 

BOL4’s upcoming album drops May 13. Be sure to check out the music video for “Leo” below: