Meet The Kraze’s K-Pop Tattoos

Tattoos are personal. Whether they’re for a specific memory, in honor of a lost loved one, a piece of media that got you through a rough patch, or a quote that really resonated with you, tattoos can be some of the most expressive things that a person shares with the world. It’s not uncommon for K-Pop fans to get tattoos in honor of their favorite groups.

If you’re thinking about getting a K-Pop-inspired tattoo and aren’t sure whether you should go for it because your reason might not be good or meaningful enough, let it be said that not all tattoos have to be meaningful, nor does that meaning have to apply to whoever you’re sharing the idea with. At the end of the day, it’s your body and it’s your money. You can do whatever you want with it. The Kraze hopes that, by sharing the meanings behind our tattoos, you can feel reassured to get your ideas tattooed as well. The only thing we ask is that you make sure you put in the research and find a good tattoo shop with an artist that understands the style you want.

Anji - Artist

“[My] first one was my very first tattoo the day after I turned 18, it’s a nod to DAY6’s releases SUNRISE and MOONRISE (so it can be read both ways), which are albums I’ve used for emotional support in really tough moments. Those two albums in particular have really deep meaning/value for me. The second one is based on my ult group A.C.E’s song ‘5TAR,’ another song which has deep meaning to me. There are five small stars for five members and one big one in the middle for Choice, the fans. Both tattoos are my design!”

Bettina - Staff Writer

“Mine is not directly K-Pop related but I got it in Korea. It says ‘항상 긍정적으로,’ which basically means ‘always be positive.’ I get the same reminder from many K-Pop artists and songs, so it kinda counts, right? I also have a diamond and a rose tattoo that K-Pop friends often connect with EXO and The Rose at first, and although I love them, they were not the reason I got them. They have some more personal meanings.”

Ciara - Photographer

SEVENTEEN has been an incredibly important fixture in my life for several years now. The place their music and their members hold in my life is something that I have always had trouble properly articulating, because it's just so Big and Important, but they have brought me so much strength and happiness, so many good memories. They pushed me and my girlfriend to finally travel to Korea together in the summer of 2019 in order to see them for all three days of their Ode to You concerts. While in Korea, I was able to get these tattoos of their old and new lightsticks, and I cherish these little beauties so much.”

Kelly - Managing Editor

“Like many, 2020 was a rough year for me. I started to doubt myself a lot, and often felt like I wasn’t advancing in life and like I was falling behind all my peers. There were very few happy moments, but one of the brightest was when SEVENTEEN released their song ‘My My.’ In the pre-chorus, they remind us that there’s, ‘no need to rush, you’re doing fine.’ This song will forever remind me that I am doing enough, and that there’s no right or wrong way to live life, and most importantly that ‘my journey starts with me.’”

“The second BTS released ‘Spring Day,’ I knew it would be one of the most important songs I would hear in my life. It’s a song that not only has remained my favorite over the past four years, but also reminds me that better days are always on the horizon. I chose to get V’s lines from the bridge that translate to ‘morning will come again’ to remind myself that no matter how dark life can feel at times, the sun will still rise again the next day.”

Khannie - Founder and CEO

“In 2013, I got this tattoo for my love for adventure and travel with SHINee represented by five trailing stars. The last black star represents my one and only, Jonghyun.”

“I knew I wanted a BTS tattoo, but I didn't know what, and when the HYYH series came out, especially Young Forever, it sparked the idea for this tattoo. The seven birds represent all members, with the red one representing Jungkook. The wing symbolizes me feeling ‘forever young’ and to ‘hope, dream, keep going.’ All their meaningful lyrics and music have shaped me ever since their debut, and I'm so happy to have this beautiful tattoo a part of me now.”

“This tattoo was inspired by BTS’s Love Yourself era and it shows both my genuineness and my vulnerability. I tend to not share my personal struggles and mental illness, but this is something I want to be true to myself and others. This tattoo represents the times that I may not be able to speak up, or if I’m not courageous enough to let people know I need help. But as long as I try my best to be honest and allow myself to open up to my vulnerabilities, I know I can feel comfortable to express my strengths and weaknesses.”

“2020 was such a bad year for everyone. But for me, it was an emotional journey. It was hard to maintain motivation for grad school when we transitioned to online classes. My relationship with my parents became turbulent because of politics. I took a job during COVID that I was emotionally strained in due to conflicting political views. However, when I heard BTS’s ‘Life Goes On’ that they wrote especially for the feelings everyone’s facing during the pandemic, I knew BTS was able to lift my spirits again. That’s why I gifted this new tattoo to myself for my birthday. I know that no matter what happens, that life always goes on.”

Meighan - Editor-in-Chief

“My very first tattoo is one of my favorite scenes from the ‘Serendipity’ music video. BTS were my first-ever K-Pop group, and Jimin was my first ult. I remember finding out about them on Instagram of all places, and I was hooked. A few years later, I started suffering from what I now know was sensory overload, and it happened the most at my job. One day, it hit hard and fast, and I had a panic attack at work. The only thing that calmed me down enough to get me in my car and home was listening to ‘Serendipity’ on repeat. I got the tattoo on the first anniversary of Jonghyun’s death as something to help me get through the day.”

“My second tattoo is San from ATEEZ. I got it this past July for my ult's birthday and chose ‘WONDERLAND’ era San, as this was the era ATEEZ became my ult group and San swiftly dethroned Jimin as my ult bias. When I was thinking about what to get for this tattoo, I knew I didn’t want something that was very obviously K-Pop, so after working with the artist at a tattoo shop about two hours away, we came up with this. As most ATINY know, ‘san’ is the Korean word for ‘mountain,’ so I knew that I wanted mountains incorporated in some way. San’s father chose the name for him so that he would be a comforting hill for some and a mountain that others wouldn’t challenge. For me, San is my most comforting hill, and I’m so glad to have ATEEZ and San in my life. It was my tattoo artist’s idea to include his signature at the bottom, and I love it.”

Roxy - Chief Marketing Officer

“My first tattoo is an homage to HYYH. When the second part came out, I was going through probably the most turbulent part of my life, and the only thing that kept me able to function every day was that album. Since then, it has really helped me deal with the trauma of that experience, and I know I wouldn't have been where I am today if I hadn't had that support from BTS at that point in my life.”

“The second one is ATEEZ-inspired. When my dog was diagnosed with liver cancer earlier this year, ‘Aurora’ came on my shuffle while I begged the universe to save her. In return for her good health, I got this as a memory and remembrance for what gave me strength.”

Sofia - Staff Writer

“This is my very first tattoo that I got in mid-February this year. The tattoo is a song from BTS' MOTS album titled ‘00:00.’ Before the album and song came out, I had already been thinking of getting a tattoo to symbolize my growth through mental health and past with self-harm. Fast forward, MOTS came out and ‘00:00’ was the first song I listened to off the album. Before I could even look up the English translation for the lyrics, the song felt very comforting to me. After the translation came out, I broke down in tears because it reminded me of all the times I would struggle to pick myself up or felt so alone in the world, praying for comfort the next day. The tattoo is a reminder that I've survived the toughest days, even when it didn't seem like the days would get better. It will forever be my comfort song and reminder that the next day, things will be better.”