Sarah Barrios Asks Eric Nam, “Have We Met Before?”

When in spring, love is in the air. Described as a song that is perfect for a meet-cute in a romance movie, Sarah Barrios and Eric Nam come together in a sweet song titled “Have We Met Before?” While this is not the first time the two artists have collaborated with each other, as Sarah co-wrote Eric’s “I Don’t Miss You,” this new collaboration marks the first time the two artists are singing together. 

“Have We Met Before?” is a ballad that ignites that romantic feeling within one’s self. Whether it be in a library, coffee shop, or even a state fair, there is that moment where one happens to meet the eyes of someone, and so begins this connection and attraction. There is also this sense of familiarity as well in that moment. In “Have We Met Before?,” the setting where the two strangers meet seems to take place in a coffee shop, as both take a seat from across each other. It’s in that moment they both look at each other, the connection starts to form, and possibly, quite possibly, it feels like they have met before. The lyrics of the song describe how once their eyes meet, it’s as if their souls have recognized each other or possibly they have met in their dreams. Nonetheless, there is something that stirs within and this connection begins to brew. “Have We Met Before?” is a ballad that lets the vocals of the two singers take center stage while the piano accents the rest of the song. There is a sprinkle of strings that may be missed while listening but gives that little magical touch to add to the fantasy of this first meeting between these fated strangers.  

Although there is no music video for the single, it is available on all streaming platforms. There is hope that in the future, we’ll be able to see Eric Nam and Sarah Barrios perform with each other on stage. “Have We Met Before?” is a sweet, endearing, and timeless track and is a song that listeners will enjoy.