[EXCLUSIVE]: Get To Know The UnBelievaBle UBB


K-Pop group UPTOWN BOYBAND, also known as UBB, took the world by storm with their debut mixtape, CLUB UBB, in 2020. The trio’s unique style combined the influences of their Canadian upbringing with elements of the Korean music scene to create a sound that shot them into the public eye. Now, UBB is back with their first single of 2021 “RICH GIRL,” a synth-heavy track with equally heavy lyrics. The Kraze was able to catch up with the members of UBB, Justin Trash, Joe Rascal, and Roc Lee, about this song and much more.

Q: The group debuted in 2020, but some of you have made music as solo artists prior to this. How do you feel the group has enhanced or changed you as an artist?

UBB: We made music as solo artists before our debut, but found our styles naturally complemented each other. Through this knowledge, we found our style would grow to become this unified sound that you can find in “RICH GIRL.” Working together as UPTOWN BOYBAND, we learned how to work as a team and grow as a unit. Since our 2020 debut, we’ve taken a more mature approach sonically and artistically.

Q: What inspired “RICH GIRL”?

UBB: Our song “RICH GIRL” was inspired by first impressions. It speaks on the depth of an individual and how this girl had a lot more to her than what meets the eye. The line she’s “more than just a rich girl” really embodies the message of how this girl might have materialistic wealth, but she was a real person that was dealing with issues in her relationships.

Q:  How is “RICH GIRL” different from your past releases?

UBB: We feel that “RICH GIRL” was the perfect song to debut with our label at Sony Music Canada because it shows the growth of UPTOWN BOYBAND. “RICH GIRL” is the first song where we really dived into the K-Pop sound and structure, and we couldn’t have done it without our man Elijah Woods. His ability to produce and co-write this song gave us the chance to bring a more elevated sound to the fans at CLUB UBB.

Q: You got international attention with your debut album CLUB UBB. What do you think was the biggest contributor to this success?

UBB: The biggest contributor to the attention we got internationally would be the fact that we explore so many different styles with that mixtape. We really wanted to make a project that would allow different listeners to walk away with at least one favorite song. Our fans played a huge role in getting our music to places we wouldn’t have dreamt of. This mixtape was an homage to our fan club hence the title CLUB UBB. Thank you, we couldn’t have done this without you.

Q:  I’ve heard that UBB is “dedicated to breaking the mold of K-Pop.” What does that mean to you? What are your goals surrounding redefining K-Pop?

UBB: Growing up listening to both K-Pop and Western music, we realized there was no place for Asian Canadian kids like us. When we say redefining, we are talking about bridging the gap and following our own structure. Representing the second-generation Asian community is important to us because we want the young kids that look up to us to know that anything is possible. We just want to be the role models we didn’t have growing up.

Q: What did the process of making “RICH GIRL” look like?

UBB: We’ve worked outside of our core team in terms of writing music. One day we were introduced to Elijah Woods, who excelled in sounds that involve EDM elements. We all thought the chorus of “RICH GIRL” was catchy and we built out the concept of the verses around that. We told Elijah that we wanted to make our first K-Pop song and he delivered something that exceeded our expectations.

Q: Do you see yourselves releasing a Korean version of “RICH GIRL”?

UBB: At this time we are focused on making new music that we can’t wait to share with you all. But if the BTS 오빠s [oppas] decide they want to do a remix to “RICH GIRL,” then we would be more than happy to do a Korean release.

Q: What are UBB’s next steps as we head into the second half of 2021?

UBB: Everyone can expect more new music. UBB is not only growing as a community, but we are all working so hard to bring you the most honest and entertaining music we’ve ever made. We’re looking into playing shows outside of Canada and hopefully get to meet all our fans that have been showing us love. This might sound cliche, but CLUB UBB is the best fan club in the world!