MINZY Talks “TEAMO,” Her Solo Career Journey, and How She Defines Success


After making her highly anticipated solo comeback, MINZY is back and ready to take the world on, one success after the other. Keep reading to see what the solo artist has been up to, how “TEAMO” came to be, and much, much more!

Q: Congratulations on your latest release! Could you please tell us what “TEAMO” is about and why you chose this song to be your next comeback?

A: “TEAMO” is a Latin hip-hop style genre that automatically induces dance when you hear it. I used Romeo and Juliet’s emotional lines to express the vague feelings of not meeting fans for a long time due to COVID. The choreography inspired by such ideas is impressive and powerful. The choreography, easy-to-follow point choreography, and drawn in a unique composition add to the song’s grandeur.

Q: What was your favorite part about the process of creating “TEAMO” (from the production of the song to the music video, etc.)?

A: The [music video] starts with a dance and ends with a dance. I paid a lot of attention to choreography, and it was revealed well in the music video. I was satisfied with it.  

Q: What’s one genre of music you’d like to experiment with?

A: Old school hip-hop. 

Q: If you were talking to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give to yourself?

A: You don't need to worry too much about things in advance. You are perfect who you are.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years in your career and/or on a personal level?

A: A director who produces or helps K-Pop artists who are like jewels.

Q: How do you define success, and what has been your biggest accomplishment so far? 

A: To have such lovely, precious, and amazing people by my side. My great success is that many people love the existence of MINZY. Those two are my biggest successes. 

Q: What is one thing that you cannot leave the house without?

A: Mint Candy: Good for the throat and good after eating. It feels so refreshing. 

Q: What are some challenges that you faced when you debuted as a solo artist?

A: There is a sense of pressure that I have to do everything by myself. There is no one to share the parts from singing to dancing. 

Q: What song or album have you been listening to lately that you can recommend to fans?

A: Justin Bieber’s “Peaches” and Missy Elliott’s This Is Not a Test! 

Q: Quickly choose one: 

Tik Tok or Instagram? 

A: Instagram

Coffee or water? 

A: Coffee

Jeans or sweatpants? 

A: Sweatpants

Headphones or earbuds? 

A: Earbuds

Hip-Hop or R&B?

A: Hip-Hop 

Q: Lastly, is there anything you’d like to say to the fans and readers? 

A: Thank you for your love and support for “TEAMO.” I will come back with another fantastic track in the future! I love you!

On behalf of The Kraze, thank you to MINZY and her team for the wonderful opportunity to have this interview. Make sure to keep up with MINZY by following her on social media and check out her latest comeback, “TEAMO!”