AB6IX Starts A New Era With A to B

The ability to captivate new listeners is essential for any group, but there is something about AB6IX that sets them apart from other acts. You're drawn to them for many reasons–their musical talent, stage presence, and overall bright and pleasant personalities that they let shine through during concerts and fan meets. They did just that at KPOP.FLEX this past weekend. Now, after successfully winning over a handful of new fans from the concert, AB6IX are ready for the next step in their career with their fifth EP, A to B. 

If you listen to the album in order, you're almost misled with "PARACHUTE." The pop song is a good track, one that AB6IX can pull off effortlessly. Then the album switches on you.

If the intention with A to B was to show how versatile AB6IX is as a group, they have succeeded. The comeback sees the quartet taking on the hip-hop genre with their lead track "SAVIOR," with its heavy bass beat and synth sounds. With a dramatic pre-chorus that leads to an anti-drop, it's a song that piques your interest instantly. It's a more mature concept, as the four members are dressed in all black for most of the music video, with images that mirror opening scenes of James Bond films. The members look cool and suave and clearly show they mean business as they enter their third year as a group.

When listening to the rest of the songs on A to B, each track showcases the group's ability to take on various genres. Any of these songs could rival "SAVIOR" as a title track, but going with "SAVIOR" certainly makes a statement. Still, if they had decided not to go that route, songs like "EINSTEIN" and "Sucker for your love" would still have gotten our attention with their catchy and bouncy tunes.

Although it starts slow, "Sucker for your love" picks up at the chorus and is a pop-rock song that makes the right side of the brain tingle with excitement. "EINSTEIN" has a similar effect, making these two quintessential pop tracks. Then, there is "We Could Love," a heart-touching pop ballad. It spotlights the members' vocal talents and establishes their solid rap abilities. It makes for a strong closing track to an album that emphasizes the group's various talents and the lengths they can go.

A to B is the start of a new era for AB6IX–a game-changer. It marks a turning point in their career, a point that they have fought hard to get to. I, for one, am excited about this group's future and am certain they will continue to capture the hearts of many. You can listen to A to B here.

Edited by Rashelle B.