Explore the Different Sides of Love with Chanhyun’s EP, MUSE

On August 12, R&B singer-songwriter Chanhyun released his first EP, MUSE, following his debut album THE REVERSE, which came out back in May 2021. According to the artist, this five track EP “tells different stories but ironically expresses one, united message.” Each song explores contrasting but simultaneously felt emotions—such as joy, depression and the concept of missing someone but not wanting to see them at the same time. The overall goal of the project is to reflect on the different facets of love. As for the actual sound of the EP, MUSE is full of smooth synths and interesting bass lines that highlight Chanhyun’s vocals and those of the rappers and artists who can be heard on each song. 

Prior to the release, the SEL signed singer teased the EP with the release of “But,” which features hip-hop artist DIVE, in May of 2022. The track is definitely the most traditionally upbeat of the five, and has a composition that feels very pop punk. It has a clear emphasis on drums that compliment the intricate guitar riffs. The story behind it is all about awkward love and unconfessed feelings.

The EP’s title track “SHH” combines the rhythmic bars of rapper and violinist LEELLAMARZ, and the skills of legendary producer GRAY, with Chanhyun’s easy listening R&B style. A song with very different vibes from the teaser, it still discusses love, as the lyrics are all about finding time to spend together while dealing with the stress of daily life.  There is a flow to the song that carries the listener through each section and on to the next. The best part of this song is the regular repetition of four descending notes, which is played by different instruments or built into the melody at seemingly random moments.

“Take You Back” feels more stereotypically R&B but functions almost as a short interlude in the EP. The song, produced by DRTS, is only one minute and 36 seconds long. It has a simple instrumental that sits under very emotional vocals. The track that follows continues the focus on R&B basics. With a more sexy atmosphere than the previous three songs, “Away” features independently debuted rapper MOAI and producer Melange. The three come together to build a song that feels like tension and possibilities.

The finale of MUSE feels like memories gone by and moments missed in only the way a rock-inspired ballad can. “Miss” has both a straight forward melody and message as the chorus blatantly pleads to see a lost love again. It is fitting that this is the only song on the EP that does not have feature credits, as it has the loneliest theme of them all. It also ends without a resolution, which asks an open question: Will I meet my love again?

This EP is great for a number of reasons. From the incredible collaborations to the continuous storyline running through each song, it is a very well-thought out collection. Love is a universally felt, but not fully understood, emotion that MUSE takes the time to delve deeper into. We look forward to hearing what story Chanhyun tells next.