Korea’s Gucci Boy Hits the U.S. on His First Solo Tour

Show Me The Money 5 winner BewhY took the U.S. by storm with his first U.S. tour The Blind Star, hitting six cities: Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington D.C., and New York, promoted by our friends over at SubKulture Entertainment.

BewhY didn’t keep his fans waiting, taking the stage almost exactly at 8 p.m. as scheduled, performing five songs back to back as the fans chanted his name. The venue he performed at was very small and intimate—a really nice change of pace from the giant concert venues a lot of bigger groups attend. Intimate enough, even, that during his first talk with the audience, he requested that the house lights be turned up so he could see the faces of his fans. He then took time to greet as many as he could individually.

Throughout the show, he often emphasized how he wanted to connect with his fans and show his real self to all of us, which was quite endearing if I do say so myself. When introducing this concept, he stated, “You know my name but you don’t know me,” and then proceeded to tell the audience that he wanted to show us more of himself. During his first talk, he also explained the backstory behind his nickname “Gucci Boy.” Although he had to use a translator for most of his comments, the sentiment of his words got through despite the language barrier.

Despite having only recently released his album, BewhY performed a full set of songs that included tracks from his album The Blind Star and other singles. Between every four or five song set, he would stop to have a conversation with the audience and connect with fans, also explaining the meaning behind his songs or introducing some of his beliefs to humanize himself. BewhY had a great stage presence and is clearly very talented at his craft, even though he did seem a little bit nervous to start out. Perhaps the language barrier was slightly intimidating, which is understandable, but he quickly fell into his element.


All in all, BewhY’s show was thoroughly enjoyable, even for someone who’s not a super-fan of his. His enthusiasm to show his true self to his fans was actually surprisingly cute and something I had not been prepared for when attending the show. His ability to connect with his audience made his music even better and his show even more wonderful. If given the chance, I highly recommend seeing BewhY perform live!