Tips for Healthy Summer Skin
Summer is officially here! It is time to prepare your skin for this hot, sunny weather. Once the weather begins to heat up, people tend to get lazier when it comes to taking care of their skin. Here are some easy tips to help maintain clear, healthy looking skin during humid conditions.
Sun Protection
Sunscreen is the most important part to long-term healthy skin because UV rays become stronger during the summer. There are many benefits to applying sunscreen everyday, especially in the summer. Protecting your skin from the sun prevents premature aging which means that you can have a better chance at maintaining youthful, radiant skin. Applying sunscreen reduces blotchiness and redness on the face and also has whitening effects. The main benefit of sunscreen is that it prevents onset acne induced by damage from the UV rays. Proteins on the skin such as collagen and keratin may be enhanced through the ingredients in sunscreen to keep the skin looking smooth and healthy. Here are some recommendations for daily sunscreen use:
Photo From: Konvy
Photo From: COSRx
Why Does My Face Always Look So Shiny?
During the summer, most people produce more oil and sebum which makes your face look shiny. Through the production of oil and sebum, more blackheads and whiteheads will develop as well as pimples or acne. There are many ways to control the creation of excess oil and sebum on the face and thus prevents unwanted acne. The easiest solution is using blotting sheets which is super simple and perfect for lazy people. Another solution would be to touch up your makeup using face powder throughout the day, but this does take more time.The following are some of my recommendations for blotting sheets and face powders.
Photo: MakeupAlley
Photo From: KBeauty Original
Photo From: BBCream66
Photo From: RoseRoseShop
Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!
The most important part in maintaining healthy looking skin is drinking water because our body is essentially made up mainly of water. Many K-Pop idols have revealed that their secret to maintaining clear skin is through drinking approximately 2L of water per day. Health authorities also recommend that people should be consuming around 2L of water per day. By drinking water, you are able to stay hydrated from the hot, sunny weather and flush out toxins in the body. Water also improves your complexion and boosts your immune system. If you think that water is too bland then you can put lemon and/or honey in your water or drink coconut water or flavoured water.
I have recommended three easy tips on how to maintain clear skin throughout the summer, but there are also many other ways to help your skin stay healthy. As always, research and test out various products and methods to find which ones fit your skin the best.