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MOMOLAND Brings Some “Fun to The World”

Following their success earlier this year, MOMOLAND is back with a new mini-album called Fun to The World which delivers exactly what it promises.


With just the opening notes of the song, you know “BAAM” is going to be good. The vintage pop sound hooks you instantly before exploding into a strong, groovy tenor saxophone line that is extremely reminiscent of “BBoom BBoom” layered over a chorus of the girls shouting, “Bae bae bae BAAM! BAAM!” However, whereas “BBoom BBoom” is upbeat and poppy in sound, “BAAM” feels a little grittier with more layers in the instrumentation. Musically, the bridge is probably the most interesting part of the song, offering space-like synthesizers behind soaring vocals from Yeonwoo, Taeha, and Jane before bursting into the catchiest chorus you’re going to hear all season. Daisy’s rap in the second verse adds another great layer to the song, as do the call-and-response parts featuring Ahin, Nayun, Taeha, and Jane. All in all, “BAAM” feels almost like a counterpart to “BBoom BBoom,” and while I personally would have liked to see something different from the girl group, there’s no denying this song is catchy as hell and sure to be a hit of the summer.

Just when you thought “BAAM” couldn’t get any better, it does. The video for the song opens with an airplane soaring in the sky, featuring “MOMOLAND” emblazoned on its side before switching to cut scenes of the girls in different locales overlayed with a vintage film filter and a challenge to “look for the four different pieces of jewelry that are hidden.” The second the tenor saxophone hook comes in, the scene bursts to a shot of the girls silhouetted in front of a colorful background with their only visible features being their light-up sneakers. Honestly, this shot is incredible in its simplicity and really draws attention to the unbelievably catchy choreography (yes, this might even beat the point choreography of “BBoom BBoom”). From there, the scenes shift between the aforementioned various locales, including eras like the French Renaissance and Ancient Egypt and even featuring the members dancing in classic hanbok, along with more modern shots of the girls in front of comic-book-esque backgrounds. Never mind the music, the juxtaposition of the contemporary choreography alone set against the vintage settings makes for such an interesting concept that it really makes it hard not to get sucked into this video upon first watch. The video for “BAAM” is everything a music video should be: it’s bright, colorful, catchy, fun, and quite honestly the only thing that could have made the already spectacular song even more incredible.

A Little More Fun

Following up “BAAM” may seem like an impossible feat and unfortunately, MOMOLAND does fall a little short, though it’s probably just because the title is that good. The second track on the album is titled “VeryVery” and is reminiscent of late ‘80s/early ‘90s pop in the way that it’s laden with synthesizers. Overall, it’s not too memorable both vocally and instrumentally, although it certainly serves as a nice, calm follow-up to the title track.

The next track, “Bingo Game,” takes an unexpected turn with an electric guitar intro that immediately shifts into bubblegum pop. With the guitar and heavy synthesizers throughout and a repetitive chorus, it’s hard not to bop along to this upbeat love song. Although this is only the third track on the album, “Bingo Game” makes it clear that this mini-album has a little bit of something for everyone.

“Only One You” is the next song on the album and makes up for what the previous tracks lack. It’s a softer, acoustic love song that any avid K-Drama fan could easily picture in the background of their favorite show. With more relaxed instrumentation that allow the vocals to take front and center, it’s a song perfectly fit for warm, summer nights.

Lastly, rounding out the album is an instrumental version of “BAAM” which truly is an interesting listen as it allows you to really dive into the complex instrumentation of the title track. Although the song is catchy mostly thanks to its vocals and the in-your-face saxophone line, there is a lot more going on in this track than meets the eye...or ear.

To be honest, although I was hoping for something different from MOMOLAND, I am beyond delighted with everything “BAAM” has to offer, from its catchy chorus to its insanely interesting music video. While the mini-album itself could have offered more musically, it’s a great follow-up to the group’s previous comeback and altogether proves that MOMOLAND is not only capable of meeting high expectations, but exceeding them.

“BAAM” Title Score: 9/10

Music Video Score: 10/10

Fun to The World Album Score: 6.5/10

Overall Score: 8.5/10