Skincare Tips for Transitioning to Colder Weather

Photo From: Snow White and the Asian Pear Website

Summer is officially coming to an end with the school year starting and the weather getting colder. During the time when the weather begins to change, your skin becomes more vulnerable. Your skin is more likely to develop concerns that will be hard to control. Well, here are some tips to help maintain your skin during this sad, cold weather transition.

What type of moisturizer should I use?

Even though the weather is beginning to get cold, it is still quite hot outside during the afternoon. If you moisturize too much, your skin can become oily and develop more sebum which would not be beneficial. For people who have dry skin, I suggest continuing to use your everyday moisturizer in your daytime and nighttime routines to keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. For people who have oily skin, I suggest using a lighter moisturizer during the day, and if your skin does feel dry at night, then you can layer the lighter moisturizer. For people who have normal/combination skin, they are the most tricky because their skin can be oily and dry depending on the environment. I suggest using a lighter moisturizer during the day, so your skin doesn’t get oily and create sebum. During the night, you can use a thicker moisturizer to counteract the colder weather and keep your skin moisturized.


Since the weather does get colder at night, you can continue to use your everyday summer skincare routine during the day. If you start to add more products, your skin can get bombarded and react in a bad way that may affect the outer appearance of your skin. During the night, you can start adding more products and steps gradually, so that your skin doesn’t get surprised with the cold weather. During the summer, I only use an essence because my skin does tend to get oily in the T-zone. Therefore, adding an oil essence, an ampoule, or even a serum for my night time skincare routine, my skin will understand that the weather is getting colder and will start building a stronger barrier to protect my skin from the harsh conditions. Especially for those people who have snow and crazy cold temperatures during the winter, your skin can feel the cold temperatures right away and react negatively.


The most important step in your skincare routine should be to use a mask at least once a week. Although masks are good for your skin, too many masks can also affect your skin. You can use a mask at most three times a week or else your skin will begin to become too oily, which will cause sebum to build on your skin. By doing a mask at least 2-3 times a week, your skin will begin to build a stronger moisture barrier that can protect against cold temperatures when fall comes. If your skin is weak when it comes to cold temperatures, it will begin to peel and makeup will not stick onto your skin. I have also noticed that when I do a mask, my skin is glowing the next day and my makeup stays on my skin especially well compared to other days.

The main point is that you have to begin to transition your skin into another skincare routine that is made for winter, which means moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize! If you start to moisturize your skin properly now, then your skin will gradually get used to the thicker skincare products and protect your skin from harsh conditions. Let me know what skincare tips you use when transitioning to colder temperatures!