Jessica Jung asks You to “Call Me Before You Sleep” in Latest Single

After a two-year break from the music industry, K-Pop veteran Jessica Jung is back with a new single titled, “Call Me Before Your Sleep.” Featuring rapper and producer Giriboy, “Call Me Before You Sleep” is a sweet R&B-pop song about wanting to talk on the phone with that special person. There are times in a relationship where partners are separated by time and distance and understandably miss each other. One of the best remedies for this is to talk over the phone and maintain communication to strengthen that bond. 

“Call Me Before You Sleep” is a song that tackles both perspectives of wanting an other half to call whenever they are feeling sad, happy or having a rough day, while also focusing on how just hearing their loved one talk can make them happy. Despite being apart, there is an emphasis to call before bed to catch up on how each other’s day has gone, and at the end of the day, the partner’s voice is the last thing heard before going to sleep. 

Although there isn’t a plot-driven music video, fans can get a glimpse of Jessica and Giriboy performing “Call Me Before You Sleep.” It should also be noted that this song was produced by hitmaker Cha Cha Malone. “Call Me Before You Sleep” is a fun and cute song, that many listeners in relationships can relate to. Although partners may be apart physically, they are just a phone call away when they miss each other and this song is perfect representation of that. Jessica does not fail to deliver a song that is sure to put butterflies in your stomach and have you feeling all soft and warm.