GOT7 Shakes Los Angeles with Keep Spinning World Tour!

GOT7 made their return to The Forum in Los Angeles for their Keep Spinning World Tour! This marks the second time that the boy group has performed in one of the largest venues in Los Angeles. And sure enough, once again, GOT7 put on a spectacular show, drawing in thousands from near and far to see them perform.

From Insecurity...

As fans began to file into the venue and take their place in the seats and on the floor, there was a buzz of excitement that rang throughout the room. This was only further enhanced the moment that the remix to “A” started pumping through the speakers. The concept and theme of the concert was keeping balance between security and insecurity—personified through a spinning top—and for this reason, the first half of the concert, as the GOT7 members later explained, was geared towards insecurity. This was described as their darker and gritty songs. The concert kicked off with their recent release “Eclipse,” which, as expected, blew away the audience. It’s one thing to see the group perform their songs through a computer screen (whether it be their music show performances or fancams) but getting the chance to experience these songs performed live is something that all fans should experience at least once in their lifetime. 

During the first half of the concert, the setlist consisted of “Out,” “Never Ever,” and “Skyway.” Fans were also treated to solo and unit stages from the members: JB and Youngjae had their own solo stages while Jackson, Mark, and Bambam, and Jinyoung and Yugyeom had their own unit stages respectively. The first half of the concert closed out with “1˚” and “Sign,” rounding out the insecurity concept and the group’s darker-themed setlist. 


...To Security 

The second half of the concert was, as Mark explained, the brighter and “secure” half. Mark claimed that at first they were insecure, going through dark times and trials, but the members found security in their fans’ support. As mentioned, the second half of the setlist consisted of GOT7’s brighter and happier songs. One song in particular that got fans screaming and super excited was when the group performed their 2015 summer hit, “Just Right.” Fans were also left in tears during the performance of “Thank You.” This particular song is near and dear to GOT7 and their fans as it is the expression of gratitude the boy group has for their fans and supporters. Towards the end of the concert, each member took their time to express their gratitude towards all those that came to support them that night. Mark and Bambam especially took the time to remind the audience that there is a lot of hate and negativity going around and the importance of being kind to one another. The biggest reminder that all of GOT7 wanted concert-goers to take away from the night was that without their fans, GOT7 would not be at their current level of success; because of that, they are thankful to have such a supportive fanbase. The boys ended the night with a promise that they will continue to work harder and that they will release more music (to which Jackson had teased a new song that is potentially titled “Paint”). Furthermore, GOT7 also promised that they will return to LA in the next year. 

When it comes to typical K-Pop concerts, the setlist is usually divided into several sections to indicate the pacing of the songs throughout the night. GOT7, however, forgoed the additional filler videos and opted to only play VCRs at the beginning, middle, and at the start of the encore portion of the concert. Due to less filler videos, GOT7’s tour surely went by too fast. However, the encore video went in the direction of showing the members playing games with each other while staying at a pension, giving fans some time to cool off and take a break. To much excitement, GOT7 treated the LA crowd to a six-song encore which consisted of “Miracle,” “Fly (Remix),” “Come On,” “Shopping Mall,” “Go Higher,” and “Before the Full Moon Rises.” The group did not fail to bring out all the stops for their interactions with fans as they also went out into the audience, literally jumping off the stage to not only be closer to those on the floor but also to wave to fans seated in the stands. 

Overall, GOT7 impressed with their latest tour. If you have the chance to see the boy group while they are on tour, you do not want to miss out on this. From their level of grit and passion down to the love and care that they have when they are interacting with their fans, GOT7’s latest show was top class and worthy of praise.