“Lookin 4” Crush? Check Out His New Double Single “NAPPA”

Releasing music for the first time after his major move from Amoeba Culture to P Nation, R&B singer Crush enters the music scene with his new double single 나빠 (NAPPA), presenting his usual relaxed, chill vibe to fans.

“NAPPA” starts off smoothly as a series of jazzy synthetic piano notes establishes a mellow mood; however, the melodious sounds unexpectedly undergo a rapid transition, replaced by a short yet impactful set of trap beats. Eventually, as the track embraces an interchange between the two contrasting sounds, the sharp rhythmic units begin overlapping on the soothing piano combination, and Crush works the first line into the song. As the artist sings in the chorus “Say it to you // I’m bad, bad // Because I’m busy, busy // You’re hurt, hurt // Bad, bad, bad // I’m bad, bad,” his prominent vibe is meticulously crafted into the lyrics. The singer’s soulful voice emits a pleasant and comfortable feeling as usual, but as he recites the lines to “나빠 (NAPPA),” the listener feels a twinge of grief as they recognize themselves as the main character of the storyline. Overall, the atmosphere of the song is not too heavy or overcrowded with the presence of contemporary elements like the complex rhythms and synthetic sounds, allowing for non-R&B fans to possibly find fragments within “나빠 (NAPPA)” that reflect their personal style of music. 


The music video radiates nostalgia as the film’s whole concept is represented through the application of a retro-like filter that in turn creates a sentimental overtone. The scenes depicting an old-school neighborhood setting further augment the tender emotions as Crush spends a majority of the video staring off into space (just as I expected from the champion of the 2016 Han River Spacing Out Competition). The general color scheme indeed shifts throughout the film, but many frames emphasize shades of yellow, which builds up a fine composition of a simple yet cozy image within the music video. An interesting segment portraying Crush’s transformation near the end remains memorable to me; after throwing up some toys, the dull and slow-witted character releases his carefree emotions, merging into an individual with a joyful attitude. From my part, the riddance of the toys somewhat implies that he let go of the only factor (which is not necessarily defined in the video) that tied him down from enjoying his individuality and personal life, and by getting rid of this burden, he finds it possible to truly embrace freedom.

Take away another great song from Crush’s first single album under P Nation. Titled “Lookin 4,” the song truly embraces a sentimental and soulful atmosphere that is further enhanced with the featuring of Joyce Wrice and Devin Morrison. In general, the elements such as the groovy beat and the repetition of the hook “I know what you lookin’ for” carefully build on top of each other, creating a wistful aura that draws you in. The three artists’ faultless chemistry does a great job of displaying each of their unique vocals without overwhelming the listener with their technical tactics, making way for fans to sing along to the flow of the catchy beat. 

After his release “Lay Your Head On Me” in November 2018, R&B artist Crush is finally back. Participating in the writing and producing of both tracks, his comfortable yet energizing vibe is clearly mirrored in both “나빠 (NAPPA)” and “Lookin 4.” Make sure to check out his newest double single NAPPA, which in addition to definitely being worth your attention, is bound to end up on your playlist sooner or later.