FameUs Entertainment Artists Drop Their First Collaborative Album

In 2018, San E established his own label named FameUs Entertainment. The name “FameUs” is a play on the English word “Famous.” According to its website, FameUs aims to go beyond the limits of a traditional hip-hop label and venture into all different parts of the ever growing “art” business. The first release out of FameUs is a collaborative album featuring different styles of music featuring the new artists and San E. The album titled God FameUs was released in early April of this year as a way to officially introduce the new artists. 

Meet the Artists of FameUs

San E  @sanethebigboy


San E is a senior in the game; with over a decade in the entertainment industry, his experience and unfiltered approach is one that could shake up the game as a CEO.  

errday @do_it_errday


errday released his first mini EP in 2015 and has been on fire ever since! He likes to tackle complex feelings like love vs hatred and certainty and anxiety through his music. errday’s most recent release “Chocolate” has been a cult favorite in the hip-hop scene. Check it out here!

Malkey @mxlkxy


Malkey is one of the two younger artists at FameUs. Aa relatively unknown artist, he shows a lot of potential through his track “Butter Fly Life” on his soundcloud.

BE’O @bbbooo_000 


Currently the youngest artist at FameUs at 21 years old, BE’O is best known for his appearance on High School Rapper 3. He has shown he has the versatility of a senior artist while being so young. He shows signs of being a potential superstar in the K-Hip-Hop scene. 

The Album

Title Tracks: “Tour Bus” and “Puppy Love” 

These two songs are polar opposites of each other. “Tour Bus” is a song that is meant less for the at-home listener and more the hype song to open a stage set while “Puppy Love” on the other hand is more of a smooth R&B track with a soothing electric guitar resting beneath the simple beat. It does have a feel of a classic San E track which makes it a good choice for a heavy rotation playlist. Out of all the people who are on “Puppy Love,” BE’O really shines on the track, showing off his smooth vocals. Of the two title tracks, “Puppy Love” is the one that really stands out as a fan favorite. 

”Eternal”, “Made in Foreign”, “Fiesta”, “How You Feeling”, and “Morally Guilty”

“Eternal” hits a sweet spot between a bouncy trap and a R&B song, making the listener sway without even trying. It has a ton of vocal ad libs and has a heavy amount of autotune. Not a bad track, but sounds like a bunch of robots singing with the exception of San E who is known for the unique tone of his voice. “Made in Foreign'' allows for errday’s vocals to stick out a little more with his breathy tones. “Made in Foreign'' has a heavy 808 bass that will blow your headphones out if you blast it in your ears a little too loud. “Fiesta” is the song that should have been the title track alongside “Puppy Love” instead of “Tour Bus.” The guitar that accompanies the light beat is soothing to listen to. Having BE’O start the song helps set the mood well. This song also divides well between the four performers, each of them getting a verse and a hook. Having San E on the end of this track also allows the others to have the opportunity to shine while San E has the skill to close the song up well to avoid it feeling incomplete. “How You Feeling” only features Malkey and San E. This song also has a classic San E song feel, which would attract an older listener who is familiar with his style. “How You Feeling” is split up in a way that Malkey sings the majority of the song while San E plays his hype man. Malkey alternates between singing and rapping that creates smooth transitions throughout the track. The song does drop, but the drops are so subtle that they pass without too much of a disturbance in the way the song flows. The last song on the album is titled “Morally Guilty” also known as “도덕 선생님” in Korea. This track features the three new artists alone, giving them the proper chance to show off their skills. Being the last track on the album, it gives one final chance for erryday, Malkey, and BE’O to show off their skills. 

Final Album Thoughts

The raw talent of the newest members of FameUs Entertainment is evident in their performance, however the introduction album does leave a lot to be desired. While expectations were high for San E’s protege, they just slightly missed the mark. However, for future releases out of FameUs team, growth is not only expected but looked forward to. 

The Dingo Medley Video

The Dingo freestyle video released alongside the album gives new listeners a glimpse of how the new members of FameUs Entertainment hold themselves on stage as well as a live performance medley of the album tracks. After watching this video, the artists strengths and weaknesses were evident. San E and BE’O were the only ones catching my eye while errday and Malkey were more often blending into the back and not working with the camera as much as they could. It was also clear which artists were not as stable live as they were in the booth. On the plus side, it was easy to see the teamwork between the artists and the way they hype each other up. It is a nice thing to see them enjoying the stage together. When artists are having fun, it makes it even more fun for the audience and that is the case here. While the other artists are weak in some aspects, they do excel at others.

Overall Thoughts

With San E at the helm, his first three rookie artists signed to the label are undoubtedly in the best hands to be able to grow as artists and find their unique sound. While they are still a little rough around the edges, it's easy to see the potential San E saw in each of these artists and with a little work, they will be headlining shows and creating viral songs in no time. 

Title Track(s) Score: 6/10

Video Score: 7/10

Album Score: 8/10

Overall Score: 7/10