Buckle Up for BLITZERS’s Comeback


Following their May debut, BLITZERS is back on the scene with their first comeback EP SEAT-BELT along with six new tracks. BLITZERS is a group that shows overwhelming promise by being one of the only groups in Fourth Gen K-Pop exploring the use of rap-rock sounds that bear some resemblance to Run DMC’s King of Rock—and it doesn’t really get much cooler than that, honestly.

“Will Make a Mistake”

Title track "Will Make a Mistake" uses similar production to that heard in previous title “Breathe Again,” but it's much more poppy. The most notable difference is the bridge that drops into a grimy synth bassline, while rapper Chris announces his presence with an appropriate “look at me, look at me.” The chorus itself, while poppy and with pretty fun choreography—seriously, it’s very bouncy, I recommend watching the showcase stage—follows suit with what we’ve heard before with shouty delivery and “na na na” chanting. 

The music video, however, improves the BLITZERS experience noticeably, if you like them cute and quirky. “We Make a Mistake” has the boys wearing loud, brightly-colored sweaters, searching for a way to shoot themselves into space. We observe the trial-and-error process where they try different cartoonish experiments—strapping a rocket to Go_U’s back, setting Jinhwa up with bat wings, and Wooju climbing into a cannon—only for something to go wrong at every turn. In the end, they come together after failing separately to build a vehicle that they’re confident might actually work. It does, but only until Go_U wakes up to the rest of them still asleep on a plane, just before the seatbelt sign turns on.