Introducing CityNoise of WetCity

Recently making his debut, CityNoise is an up and coming artist that everyone should be on the lookout for. For those who are into the Korean R&B genre of music, CityNoise is right up that alley. The Kraze Magazine had the opportunity to get to know CityNoise in an exclusive interview below.

1. For our readers who are getting to know you for the first time, can you please introduce yourself and what you do?

A: Hello. I’m CityNoise, the vocalist of WetCity Crew. I’m also in charge of making music!

2. How did you get started in creating music?

A: When I first started music, I performed only as a vocalist in a band. However, as I spent more time pursuing music as an artist, I started to have the desire to be able to fully express my emotions through self-produced songs rather than just singing a given melody. It was from then on that I began to create music.

3. What led you to pursuing a career in music?

A: Hm… I’m not sure if this applies to other countries, but middle schoolers and high schoolers in Korea pour everything into their studies to the point where they feel suffocated and trapped in that “box.” As a student watching foreign artists’ pursuit of music––especially funk bands like Green Day––they seemed so free. Their freedom was something I yearned for, so I jumped into this career path believing that I would be able to live that kind of carefree life through the pursuit of music.

4. What kinds of music would you like to create in the future?

A: When I first started music, my predominant goal was to simply make cool music. But now, I want to create music through which people can share their personal thoughts or concerns––whether it may be about their individual character, dream, realistic worries like financial situations, or relationship problems. In the future, I want to continue to tell the stories of those who, with many thoughts, can’t fall asleep in the setting of a city at dawn.

5. You’ve recently released some new music, such as “Step” and “Room,” please let us know more about it?

A: Our songs have a continuous plot line starting with “새벽 4시반” to ‘Room’ and finally “Step.” Dreaming alone in his room, the main character is isolated from the outside world. In the song “Room,” the figure shows a desperate wish to attract people’s attention even if it involves lying like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Really, the lie contains the dreams and future of the protagonist that he could not reveal in fear of being ignored. In the eyes of others, his words were simply lies for attention, but in fact, he was shouting out his dreams. When his words miraculously transformed the world, they no longer saw him as a liar, and the boy made his decision, stepping out of his room. In “Step,” the protagonist makes his way into the outside world, but encounters the harsh reality. Then, on the weary way home just like another other day, the main character is caught up in a dilemma of whether he should take the train––the path to living an ordinary, but comfortable life––until the last train shows up at the station. He ponders over that one step that would take him on the train. Taking a step forward or taking a step back may be nothing but just a number of steps; to the protagonist, however, it means making a big decision.

After listening to these stories, our films and music will convey a different meaning to you.

6. Is there an artist or other producer that you would like to collaborate with? What kind of music would you like to create with them?

A: This is a big dream of mine, but I want to collaborate with artists like Lauv or Troye Sivan. I think our colors would be a great match in both film and musical aspects!

7. Is there any new music or projects that readers and followers can expect in future?

A: We’re looking forward to collaborating with many artists––not only in the R&B and hip hop field, but also EDM or bands––within the scope of our music boundaries. Also, this is set to be revealed later, but I am going to present my hidden skills through a new project! (To give an exclusive hint for readers, you’ll be able to find what it is if you search for our upcoming film release!)

8. What is a message or feeling that you’d like listeners to take away from music?

A: I would like listeners to empathize with me and be comforted by my messages. Honestly, I believe that my music has to establish a certain magnitude of influence to do so. In order to become a worthy person who listeners can trust and follow, I have to push myself to work harder.

9. How long does it take you to create a new song and get it to the point where you are satisfied with releasing the final version?

A: The track portion of the song can be completed within three to four days, but the overall process generally takes about two weeks including the finalization of the melody, arrangement, and mixing. To be honest, it takes longer once I get greedy with the tweakings and finishing touches.


10. What certain things are your "signature" sound that make you stand out from other artists?

A: When you listen to my music, a lot of everyday sounds are included, like the chattering noise of people or the sound of a car zooming by deep in the night. If this were to be a drawing, I tend to give meaning to the elements in the surrounding space around the figure. Those elements, mixing with the instruments, illustrate the overall mood of the song.

11. As a new artist, what are some goals you have for yourself in regards to your career?

A: First, I hope to perform in person after the COVID-19 situation gets better. When our name becomes more known, I wish to travel to different countries to film and perform. I think it would be super amazing if one or two people who listen to our music recognize us whenever we visit a new country.

12. Any last words or messages you’d like to give our readers?

A: Currently, everyone in the world is facing hard times. Take care of your health, and I believe good days will come for everyone. We will continue to pursue our music that can cheer you up. Stay happy everyone!

On behalf of The Kraze Magazine, we thank CityNoise and the WetCity team for taking their time to have this interview with us. Be sure to keep up with CityNoise on social media and check out their latest work! 

CityNoise Instagram:

WetCity Instagram:

WetCity YouTube:

Interview translated by Julia Hur