Behind the Lens: Meet Director D.Whale of WetCity

Making his debut alongside partner CityNoise, D.Whale sits behind the lens as the director of videography for group WetCity. As one of the main members who brings music to life through film, The Kraze had the wonderful opportunity to chat with D.Whale in an exclusive interview below! 

1. For our readers who are getting to know you for the first time, can you please introduce yourself and what you do?

A: Hello! I’m D.Whale, and I’m in charge of the videography in WetCity.

2. How did you get into film?

A: Prior to getting a career in film, I aspired to become a concert promoter. While I was interning at a live entertainment company, a senior asked me to make a concert promo video. It turned out to be a fun experience, and through that opportunity, I gained interest in film and went back to school.

3. What led you to pursuing a career in film?

A: I went to film-related school and studied film. Naturally, I came to choose a job in that field.

4. How do you find inspiration when working on a film project? What keeps you inspired?

A: I normally get references from movies, but those are just ideas; I spend more time focusing on the meaning of the song or lyrics when working on a film project. I get inspiration when imagining the motive behind the song, the main character’s situation, and more. When the images in my imagination are expressed as a collective identity through a music video, it feels amazing and gives me motivation to work harder.

5. What is the process of you creating a music video/film, filming the project, and getting to the final product?

A: To outline the general process, the song comes out first and based on the song, a draft of the music video script is created. Afterwards, the music video plot line is planned and organized as a storyboard. Then comes the filming, editing, color correction, and 2D work that create the final product. I’m doing this alone as of now because we don’t have a big staff.

6. What kinds of concepts or types of film would you like to create in the future?

A: Nowadays, there are instances where filmmakers or music video directors act in their own films. Whenever I watch those works, I often think “How do they direct and act?” It’s just something I want to try out, but of course, I’m not a good actor, and so, there’s a very low possibility of it actually happening….


7. Are there any future projects that readers and followers can expect in the future?

A: WetCity is just getting started, but we’re planning on multiple exciting projects. Why CityNoise came out of the room, what happened prior to that, and what happened after he left his room…. The music videos are all connected in a way despite there being only two music videos! (laughs) We’re also planning on collaborations with other artists and working on a fun project after IT’S.  

8. What are some challenges you’ve faced in the creative process of filming and directing and how have you overcome them?

A: Because I majored in film, I’m the most confident when it comes to filming. But when I get busy filming, directing, and controlling the lighting on set, I fail to portray certain artistic aspects. That was the moment when my ability to execute the various tasks became a strength and weakness of mine. In order to focus on a more modern and creative depiction through film, I decided to work with another cinematographer starting from our next work.

9.  What is a message or feeling that you’d like viewers to take away from work?

A: I believe that there are many viewers who are in a similar situation as CityNoise in the music video with concerns like “Am I on the right path,” “Who am I,” and “Do I have to live like others?” I’m not sure how much comfort our film will give, but I hope that we can give courage to such people.

10. What certain things are your "signature" style that make you stand out from others?

A: I want to enhance the mood of Seoul at dawn. Although it is a city known for its spectacular nightscape, Seoul’s dawn has its own soft, quiet sounds that aren’t quite exuberant which I hope to express well. As a result, we have a lot of location shootings in Seoul at daybreak, and CityNoise goes through a lot. But looking forward, I think he will have to continue to work hard. (laughs)

11. Any last words or message you’d like to give our readers who are reading this interview?

A: Though we formed this rookie artist group WetCity at a late age, we’re working hard. We’re working hard on our YouTube channel, album production, and music video production! Please support us and become our fan(s)! I hope to meet and greet readers at concerts once the pandemic is over. I pray that day will come.

On behalf of The Kraze Magazine, we thank director D.Whale and the WetCity team for the opportunity for the interview. Please be sure to keep up with D.Whale and WetCity on social media and support them on their upcoming releases! 

D.Whale Instagram: 

WetCity Instagram:

WetCity YouTube: